And I Heard In My Hearing Woman Why Weepiest Thou?

And I Heard In My Hearing Father, Woman, John Why Weepiest Thou, The Lamb Of God, Hath Reign?
     -Still I Need To Say, There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come A shore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th.
-(Well by now we know this date, August 29th was the exact date President Trump would be in Texas assessing Hurricane Harvey damage, with North Korea's Kim, and hurricane Irma threatening, one I warn will target Trump's DACA decision, as so any manner of saving or keeping America, whose time as surely as Hussein Obama's timetable into Cameron's Brexit, is finished, beware, Apb,

-Is God As Angry Right Now As The Days Of Noah And Greater? I heard A Command Lately, That All Parents be Killed By, That All Schools Be Finished, That 50 Million Will Die, 2002 and 2017, Even More Frightening, That God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, So You Tell Me! (since this out break of troubles, just how many schools are closed? ( see,

Prophecy Links

-And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me babe," (soon by research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)!
-What did I see? I saw he Bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession the stone cut out without hands (Dan. 4), I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, that when she released it, I heard a voice announce, "this is the Antichrist murderer." Beware, As the days of Daniel into Antichrist, Apb

     -I Forewarn President Trump Declaring Peace And Safety, Would Come As Apostle Paul Forewarn Of Such Declarations, Now An Outbreak Of Sudden Destruction, Reapers Bearing Natural Disasters Targeting The Stampede

Why The Evacuation Out Of The West Coast, That Holy Spirits, To Climatologist, To Seismologist, Volcanologist to Other Scientists to Specialist/FEMA Are All Calling For?

Prophecy Links I Believe Predicting West Coast Cataclysms Into America's Exodus

-Seen To Be Seeing, 1996, A Death Rider being released from beneath the earth, I witnessed when the earth just open to him, and out rose this outbreak of mortuary (and I looked and saw a November 4th date, 2015/16, of an outbreak of mortuary, in the form of a funeral reef reaching into the heavens.
Seen to be seeing, 2010, territorial spirit in heated conversations about Shelby country's New Madrid Fault Line, (darkness to death is coming, beware, Apb
-And I Heard in my hearing 2002, 2015, 2017, "fifty million will die," in 2002, regarding, 4 continents including America in a block, in 2015, as a tearing in the heavens funeral reef, in 2017, just Donald Trump was poised to the presidential office.
-There's something about the word, the name dutchsinse, (see youtube channel regarding the art of earthquake to Volcano predictions, this was right before India's earthquake, 2016)
-And I heard in my hearing 99 bowls of molten Lava, ( see Rev. 6, 6th seal, though I believe this warning is referencing an erupting yellowstone mighty caldera alone, there was at least forty to fifty Volcanoes erupting simultaneously in 2015.
-Seen t be taken in a fly over the country, seen to seeing that the Western Seaboard into the Midsouth doesn't exist any more, that the 2017 Eclipse was the exact trajectory of what or how a Yellowstone eruption would track. Acting as a domino effect to all teetering on their edge fault lines, (San Andres, California Subduction Zone, New Madrid, and counting). A double the Godzilla monster of an Extinction Level Event pending US soil in only weeks from now, whereas these monster fire storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes admittedly sparing millions of lives along their way are no more than micro bursts into stampeding procrastinating into exodus Americans, all with a nuclear Kim pending, that's getting them from the greatest Judgments US soil, since the Days of Noah (NOAA), beware.

The Feast Of Trumpets, God's, Jesus,To America's, Truexit, Trump, Exodus. And May God Bless It

-I looked into this dream June 26, 2015, (see Obama's 2008, two weeks and seven years timetable), at first notice my Jesus type husband in my dreams even before his ascension 02/22/2012, (see Cameron's Brexit, 2/22/2016) had come while I was sleeping and he'd taken my grand children away. Though this panic, with no hesitation, I picked up the phone as to call him, only my oldest grand daughter whose station in Georgia answered. Just as soon I look up and though he inquiring of me is my youngest grandson Caden, he has the appearance of a distant relative by marriage, Cameron, this first oddity. The first thing he ask, this Caden/Cameron, always remember, Caden in this revelation represent the righteous Bride who had us all exit, while the other hand, Cameron in this dream represent Western Rule this nation, this wold whose exit has come Possibly explaining these insurmountable death tolls pending, men as usual not giving up without a fight, so Trump's Administration represent ancient of years of rebellion. Clearly this show down with bible prophecy and with God, again many people are going to die, tens of millions US oil.
-The Bride being found worthy to escape can't, won't be here, why it's being suggested as well all western inhabitants get out as well, instead kiss the son, lest they perish. Showing himself having returned for me, Caden/Cameron asked are you ready? I rose from sitting as now, behind this desk of 31 springs of outreaching prophecy as to leave with him, only when I did, I heard in my hearing, "it's all about Cameron." Just as we ready to board the automobile, both this escape to Georgia, America's Trump, and now this escape to heaven, with this Jesus Husband, God's trump. I begin to see right below the car window vaguely, momentarily I see what can only be a departure month and date of September 25th, I like to say, and the dream past from me. I in a more plain way shared this amazing dream, because now with an extinction level pending US soil, in the month of October. beginning at the US Western Seaboard, where hundreds of millions of souls are in it's direct path.
-As knowing this, well doesn't it then make sense that Holy Spirits just as they speed the Bride off skyward, unexplained other than God's long-suffering unmerited favor toward all men, they're evacuating Americans into the extreme Southeast long a Moses Egypt type exodus. Further this mystery revealed, a stillness, a mountain a sunlight in heaven, God's Throne that speak as the day Moses, "let my people go into exodus," America must decease, Islamic/Antichrist reign, fulfilling Daniel's final week. One would then this, the virtual certainty or authenticity of this dream, notably, every vision, dream, demonstration. as so visit to heaven to heaven visiting has has one, this mystery of godliness. That something answering the question whether it's revelation or a figment of ones imagination, for example, doing a live appearing of him, now asking, why did Jesus have wings; or the death rider, why is the earth opening up to him?,
-There was now the Angel Gabriel, my questioning his participation, even what was a seventh angel, doing the intrepid dream. This was Christmas night, 2001, witnessing my car drive off by itself was really odd into scary. Now, just as the Holy Spirit is evacuating all of us, God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, Trump, there's the something about Cameron pending, meaning all of western rule is ending, then lest I forget, like something out of the book of Revelation itself, this beyond extraordinary come down to the earth. As I, Apostle testified, the Lamb's book of life is open into a roll call, census taking, where as in the days of the Prophet Ezekiel, a census was taken as to proceed six reapers with slaughters (reapers bearing sword like syringes, why syringes? Apb, the RAM). Just as I said. reapers bearing weapons was sent out, commanded, as the cry lately that all parents be killed, that all schools be finished, unlike the outbreak of terrors right now into October's apocalypse US soil, they weren't to spare none any lives.
-This is why when I witnessed territorial spirits conversing among themselves about Shelby Country I knew they were referencing the New Madrid fault-line right into a death bringer, described a catastrophe upon this world. It would be like a Yellowstone, (possibly described Rev. 6, 6th , as so my phoenix dream,, an apocalypse made without hands as to be released from beneath the earth., again I knew this. Explaining why the three to four dreams I had since his, my Jesus' husband ascension were always like the moving to Georgia/Cameron dream. Even one they were always about getting out of Memphis,(see Egypt's Moses/Memphis), whereas the final dream, was a warning about alien dangers from above, possibly a Nibiru or a Carrington event, just suffer only days past, described more powerful than any solar eruption in our life time. Though I asked you, it is what I think a word "Noah's Cousin," only a day or so ago actually is, I know I had questions for an entire day.
-Until while visiting, even I was reminded of NOAA, (Noah); the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the monitoring of approaching dangers the heavens and the earth. Henceforth Noah, (NOAA) as in this earth ender. As in a come US soil as is forewarn the days of Noah, targeting the breaking of the rainbow covenant, was as as well forewarn. Desperate for attention, amidst the craftiest of distractions into delusions, so taking my grands to get abrupt attention was this genius. Just as for America, this earth, the taking out of Christ's Anointed by the Millions, just as tens of millions refusing to escape, to exodus are dead US soil will force evacuations, this ultimate wake-up call, revelation of truth despite how horrid. Equally, this welcome call is why holy spirits along this final act of amazing grace are crying right now, get ye to repentant alters and get out, God is avenging martyred blood and if the righteous are scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly to unrighteous appear?
     -This is the beginning to the end of the world as we know it, into Daniel final week, when we see both an Islamic/antichrist reign after this outbreak of cataclysms hit, end US soil, it's the beginning to the end, no dispensation of grace, no church age, no America to outreach the cross, the only single power that is heart changing, this is why heavens host warn, woe woe woe, for earth's inhabitants Satan is come done, his final rule is taking over. Listen to Apostle, the western seaboard is begining set up to produce the worse death tolls, this nation to this world has ever seen, I believe 2017 eclipse was the tracking of this bringer of death trajectory, even that all this outbreak this earth, these heaven, have all been the side effect of this historic event, if by it this earth has suffer it's worse of the worse troubles ever, then a Yellowstone type eruption, one scientist placed a direct human toll at 20 million, meaning your government plan these many decades evacuations to move people post a Yellowstone eruption will be tens of million of lives too late, get to moving yourselves out now, as in right now!
That you beware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus is among you, Apb, The RAM


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