Questioning Trump

Questioning Trump?

     -Like I prophesied doing his campaign, President Trump Is America's Truexit, all his troubles and mounting is rooted and grounded in this now prophetic as the days of Moses. As this designed deliverer standing before this world greatest Egypt, as Superpowers presently owning and enslaving God's people, (Rev. 17, 18), commanding them of Almighty God, to let His people go into now an American exodus, get Jesus, and get out of it! Actually this proof, I explained how weeks before hurricane Harvey, that I'd been given a date of August 29th, unknowingly on the date of I reminded you all of this. Truly not realizing, Trump and America now suffering his declaration of peace and safety Apostle warn was dangerous and disastrous, as to be followed by sudden destruction. Seemingly not only was August 29th the very date Pres. Trump would be in Texas assessing hurricane damage, it's costliest ever, but N. Korea made it's most troublesome of missiles launches to that date, all with a monster storm Irma pending, thus my inquiry lately, is American soil under a seize, it's enemy blood thirst/God's Judgement? See Eze. 4, 5th chapters Apb,

 Questioning America Now 31 Springs Slow Motion Exodus Of Asians Threatening, Japan Evacuations

    -What's To Prompt America's evacuation, as called upon as so altars of Christ by Apostle, of voting booths 2016? I pray I'm not watching from heaven, as has been demonstrated, that's only as 40 to 50 million dead US soil, is that now speeding them all into exodus, even that deadly reapers bearing sword-like syringes, see Eze. 5, are yet giving them chase. Frightfully it's proof with overdoes right now being the number one killer of persons to parents under fifty, get Jesus and get out off it; insurmountable death tolls US soil, is come and come and come! see more here, www.thephoenix1012, see the deadliest of timetables and why being fulfilled right now, US soil, that's America's Trump Administration into the Reign of God's Trump, Jesus' Millennium, awake, Apb, The RAM

Questioning Super Storm, Irma?

     -Although all nations states need to be on alert of an approaching as forewarn this ministry of pending monster disasters, I too believe Irma's impact will be more along the eastern seaboard. I have a prophecy regarding an outbreak of states of emergencies these highly populated areas, specifically. Though with all of America called into exodus, there is no telling anymore, I just know recalling a dream 06/26/2015, along Obama's to America's depleted two weeks and seven years timetable. I, Apostle received a moving of my loved ones to Georgia dream, that was as well an escape with Christ, this rapture, demonstration, around a September 20th something date.
     -As of 06/26/2017, events not under my control, caused, well by an engineered situations exactly two years to this month and date my oldest son family reluctantly relocated to Georgia and I with them, This is not an exaggeration nor coincidence, doing the dream we were forewarn of an approaching Cameron, that was then a pending confrontation with Syria and Russia. Right into Cameron's Brexit and the EU revision into Antichrist rule, so everything allocated this dream has been fulfillment but the September 20th date into Antichrist rule, as of Trump's own dwindling by outbreaks, Administration, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

Questioning The Overthrow Of America

     P. S. I asked weeks past whether or not America as predicted nearly two decades is being seized from every points of emphasis except one, extreme Southeast, even whether we're, well American soil is suffering the aftermath of eclipse 2017? This historic eclipse I believe portrayed the exact trajectory an approaching Yellowstone type eruption acting as a domino effect to all other teetering fault lines along it's deadly path will take; as to act as a stampede into exodus before an extinction level event cause such mass death, beware, get Jesus and get out of it! Apb, Amen,


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