The Sword, Gun, Bomb In The Bible
Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest
Listening To, Selah, More and More of You
Righteously Dividing The Truth
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-Seen to be seeing fire from prison like a blazing sword target President Bush, (I heard, 2003, one error/era, into a new fear-factor, now nuclear war is upon it all, Apb),
-And I Heard In My Hearing, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood,' and who shall be able to stand? Apb
The Sword (Gun, Bombs), In The Bible, Is There No God Of Jesus In The Land?
-Chris, the Jesus Christ Christian would never, ever put themselves in a position whereas they're to threaten another persons life and thus their soul. There is only one way to die for Christ, this single good death, it is Jesus admonishing us to lay all that is life, all that is loved and all that is treasured in heaven, as so is one's true heart. God cannot be the Shepherd of your death and dying what all of this from birth truly is, until your most purposeful assets are with dear trustworthiness laid up in store to Elohim's Heaven, having lost all, choosing to lose nothing, you are ascended. Jesus lost a lot of followers, is and I'm afraid will lose a lot of followers these days of tremendous judgment because of His non-violence stand, see Mat. 5. Desperately, see the sword in Peter's hand, that of a tug of nuclear war right now, a toll on human life in the tens of millions US soil alone.
-Remember Peter's sword, now thirsting for blood was threatening to make Christ's Cross of little or no effect, and Jesus hadn't endured it yet. It was far more disastrous than Peter's denial, Peter's sword was Antichrist, as all violence against mankind is, Antichrist, a blood guilt God's Wine Press is reaping right now, and no flesh shall be able to Stand, you must be born again. Just as so see this sword as representation of a world system, particularly Mystery America, plainly this relentless making of a holocaust one after another of the Genesis man/marriage. Ingeniously disguised as peace on earth only having slain this world, their's, even yours, beware he saving or preserving this life, (see President Trump), perishes from the second, from the blessed eternal to come.
-The gun in the bible is no different, it's Jesus warning not only that He's to spit you, an apparent straddler out of His Mouth, now this double curse. Equally terrifying, how He's to strike out your name from the book of life, whosoever name Chris isn't written there is cast into a lake which burns with fire. The sword, the gun in the bible, Christian inciting any manner of violence, Satan cannot cast out Satan, this ridiculousness to damnation, the one error/era, of Bush's war on the axis of evil. There is only one name given under heaven, right into one power on earth by which to stand more a Christian than a Churchian (American), listen closely.
-Readying into departure, you'll hear Jesus yet discipling his followers, except you show love one for the other, you are not my disciples; pretty much the authentic separation of the wheat and tares, forgiveness. Thus and so, the two great commandments of maintaining a loving heart to God and our fellow mankind, we Chris clearly are the Royal Priesthood because like our Lord Jesus. Just as He describes to Roman's Pilate, death/release is ascension to a Kingdom in heaven, Glorification, Marriage Suppers to promised Mansions, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come. Saints, be perfect as your God in heaven is perfect, STAND! Christ Is Here, Apb, The RAM...
-Remember Peter's sword, now thirsting for blood was threatening to make Christ's Cross of little or no effect, and Jesus hadn't endured it yet. It was far more disastrous than Peter's denial, Peter's sword was Antichrist, as all violence against mankind is, Antichrist, a blood guilt God's Wine Press is reaping right now, and no flesh shall be able to Stand, you must be born again. Just as so see this sword as representation of a world system, particularly Mystery America, plainly this relentless making of a holocaust one after another of the Genesis man/marriage. Ingeniously disguised as peace on earth only having slain this world, their's, even yours, beware he saving or preserving this life, (see President Trump), perishes from the second, from the blessed eternal to come.
-The gun in the bible is no different, it's Jesus warning not only that He's to spit you, an apparent straddler out of His Mouth, now this double curse. Equally terrifying, how He's to strike out your name from the book of life, whosoever name Chris isn't written there is cast into a lake which burns with fire. The sword, the gun in the bible, Christian inciting any manner of violence, Satan cannot cast out Satan, this ridiculousness to damnation, the one error/era, of Bush's war on the axis of evil. There is only one name given under heaven, right into one power on earth by which to stand more a Christian than a Churchian (American), listen closely.
-Readying into departure, you'll hear Jesus yet discipling his followers, except you show love one for the other, you are not my disciples; pretty much the authentic separation of the wheat and tares, forgiveness. Thus and so, the two great commandments of maintaining a loving heart to God and our fellow mankind, we Chris clearly are the Royal Priesthood because like our Lord Jesus. Just as He describes to Roman's Pilate, death/release is ascension to a Kingdom in heaven, Glorification, Marriage Suppers to promised Mansions, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come. Saints, be perfect as your God in heaven is perfect, STAND! Christ Is Here, Apb, The RAM...
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