Don't Save It All Christmas Day

-Why Do The Heathen RAGE! For when The Seventh Angel Shall Begin To Sound, The Nations Are Angry, Jesus Millennium Reign Psalm 2, Zech. 14, Rev. 11
Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 09/01/2017 Listening To Clay Aiken, don't save it all Christmas day, Prophecy Links -And I Heard In My Hearing 2017, "kill all parents by," this is all I heard, 2015 is past, we're in 07/21/2016 with something in the manner of an extinction level event pending October 2017, beware, Apb -Stop Sinning Before Worse Troubles Come Upon You, Jesus said To The Thirty Something Sickbed, All Hath Sin, Not just The Democrats -Men are known to be at their best when times are at their worse, they take on a spirit of Christ, of charity, it is their truest, most beautiful human nature. It's what Holy Spirit meant, while walking along the house one day when He declared, "self need to be pound into the dust," that's just it, men can't find their true selves until achieving America's Dream is temporarily to totally out of the picture. You may ask why is that? The heart, the cursed blood lineage, the first Adam, Jesus, the last Adam describes sin as that evil that come from within the heart and defiles the man. Mankind can in his own right choose good, he just can't in his failed nature continue into a practice of righteousness, the corruption his birth defect, his heart, achieving America, devils and demons totally overrules it. This is what Apostle Paul mean when he plead with us, that by the mercies of God, for only by the mercies of God, referencing Christ's Cross. That my the mercies of God, it is that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, Holy and acceptable to God, our reasonable service.
-Our bodies, which is why sexual sins are so evil into wickedness, why man was created naturally married. Our bodies/Genesis marriage by Christ's Cross are meant for the temple of God, His dwelling place, hence Jesus offering up His Temple to be killed, for in three days it would be rebuild. Just as so Apostle Paul begged, that we present our bodies as Jesus, as a living sacrifice, that we no longer be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds from unholy flesh to Holy Spirit. If you ever wondered the purpose of Christ 's Cross, the Prophet Ezekiel to the Apostle Paul explains it in glorious details here, Eze. 36:26, Rom. 10:9, 10, Rom. 12:1, 2, Gal. 2:20. Remember I witness this, while the Prophet Ezekiel open three time tested doors to me, I witness this sunlight, this blessed surgeon doing the preparation of the laborers take the old heart out and give them a brand new heart.
-I admit, when I come to understand it and crafted it into a closet prayer and lifestyle these 31 springs since, my life and death, now God, blessed death it's shepherd has, can never again be the same. Except you're born again, you're none of His, of course then Jesus go on and detail how if you're neither cold nor hot, straddling the fence of uncertainty He'll spit you out of His mouth, (all the more curse you). As so how it is whosoever name isn't written in the Lamb' s book of life, I, Apostle 2015, witnessed formed into a roll call/census taking is cast into a lake which burns with fire. Because as soon as these forms of emergencies are finished, Harvey, Katrina, those pending sadly so does this cursed lineage reappear and good will passes away like a Christmas Holiday awaiting the next wake up call. Pound self into the dust, your guns, bombs and voting booths and now fall out shelters into Altars of Christ, beware, repent, escape in this order and may God bless the Brides's escape into America's exodus. Apb, The RAM, see more here,
Listening to Sinach, Way Maker,

-Why Do The Heathen RAGE! For when The Seventh Angel Shall Begin To Sound, The Nations Are Angry, Jesus Millennium Reign Psalm 2, Zech. 14, Rev. 11 Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 09/01/2017 Listening To Clay Aiken, don't save it all Christmas day, Prophecy Links -And I Heard In My Hearing, 1998, standing the kitchen washing dishes, "many people are going to die!" (now America's nuclear war into an American exodus, beware!), Apb -And I Heard In My Hearing 2017, "kill all parents by," this is all I heard, 2015 is past, we're in 07/21/2016 with something in the manner of an extinction level event pending October 2017, I further heard it commanded, "that all schools be finished! Beware!) Apb -Stop Sinning Before Worse Troubles Come Upon You, Jesus said To The Thirty Something Sickbed, All Hath Sin, Not just The Democrats -The Holy Spirits by a dream Christmas night 2001, by a demonstration of America's to western rule weight of blood guiltiness being measured and judged, see also Dan. 5. Presented this world wide rule with an estimate of 190 months, See Eze. 4, Rev. 11), that for 15.10 years, Dec. 2001-Oct. 2017, until a sentence of breaking out with troubles unprecedented US soil. Therefore as to place the timing of this here, present tug of nuclear war, further this seeming to be an epidemic with horrors US soil, even this urgency to evacuate along a come American Exodus. I know how this all sound, but God has to see this, as so does His anointed, so imagine an American Dream to western rule, sorta like Texas right now, God's judgement, it's turn like upside down, nothing for the last 190 years about it is ever again the same, millions dead, millions pending, yet looking at the worse ever this earth ever, of an Antichrist Rise. -Well, lets just say doing the death rider come from beneath the earth like a Yellowstone eruption dream, 1996, I was told not to fret, that God would as promised every one of His Prophets ever prophesying, now for Apostle too. How God Himself would bring forth my, (Our), righteousness as the light and my (Our), judgments, forewarning prophecies, as the noon day. You must know by now no amount of American dreaming to well wishes, and except the prayers are repentant toward Christ as Lord, those too profit/prophet you nothing. In the year of our Lord 2002, (see Dan. 7), I witnessed four continents to nations in a block, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, yes, you guessed it all those in a tug of nuclear war right now. Just as soon I heard it cried that "fifty million would die!" -Now if you're thinking these type of death tolls are only possible doing the end days, I remind you, the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn we've entered into that timely era, all unto fulfillment. I will be honest, just before President Trump was inaugurated, I was waking from sleep when I heard it said, "fifty million will die," it was days later while looking through old work discovered while packing into a happen chance of a Georgia escape, did I realize this was a staggering death toll revisited now 2002, 2010, 2017. In 2010, it was as such the staggering pending toll on human lives come in the form of a funeral reef once disallowed of China, Russia, tearing from westernized handle bars leaping into the heavens above. As so a Nov. 4th date, this is why Revelation 17, 18 remind us, God sees us, count and measure us, regardless Holy Spirit's haste not only the Bride's escape, it's final into an indescribable wedding supper, but that hundreds of millions of American's do a Moses day type exodus, as a Moses day ten plagues humble rebellious leaders, accordingly, Beware, as always, Apb, The RAM

-Why Do The Heathen RAGE! For when The Seventh Angel Shall Begin To Sound, The Nations Are Angry, Jesus Millennium Reign Psalm 2, Zech. 14, Rev. 11 Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 09/01/2017 Listening To Clay Aiken, don't save it all Christmas day, Prophecy Links -And I Heard In My Hearing 2017, "kill all parents by," this is all I heard, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21/2016 with something in the manner of an extinction level event pending October 2017, beware, Apb -Stop Sinning Before Worse Troubles Come Upon You, Jesus said To The Thirty Something Sickbed, All Hath Sin, Not just The Democrats -China, Russia, just Asia period, they want to stay out of the destruction of America to Western rule only according to bible prophesies from Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Right into the book of Revelation they can't, as surely as King Nebuchadnezzar being cast into madness, and his grandson Belshazzar falling the very night of judgment into the hands of the Medes and Persians, even prophets Jeremiah to Ezekiel's King Zedekiah after countless warnings, suffer an unthinkable faith. American's enemy Kingdoms and Nations just can't no more avoid this head on collision of crashing so horribly into America, it's removal to deletion from power, except by a Yellowstone type explosion, allowing the last week of Daniel, as even from the world's foundation, they're predestined. -To be sincere, if the Great Whore (Rev, 17), upon which the great beast is this piggy back ride, was demonstrated when those two beast rose even as Hussein Obama's American ending timetable. Possibly this casting America as this great whore, no longer this mystery, then we are given a vivid picture for thousands of years of what's about to happen to this country, it's wicked system of world wide rule. The all around siege by one cataclysm US soil after another, you all are beginning to see and can no longer deny is cause not only for the Bride's speedy escape; though by such nation wide catastrophes enters a more harsh reality as of the beginning to the end of an American exodus. Laying aside all bible prophecy totally hard to believe or receive, how long has specialist in all fields the American Dream to Nation building. -Just to a long list of kingdom and nations falling, Mayan migrations to exodus, the city of Atlantis disappearance they been predicting one day it's to all come to an end, as so this world, why is it so impossible to believe such a time has come? How eerie is it that Holy Spirits cast you all as a slow motion exodus, the stores, the ATM's, the filing stations, all needful things failing Texans to Hustonian right now, as so this unreachable from one end to another of a maze like fall out shelter, with millions awaiting a single water cooler, meaning troubles come are inconceivable, the it that's not the worse of the worse ever, a woman bearing black bowls as Rev, 16, approaches, only to pause these greatest of judgement momentarily to make this off of Mansions in heaven as better fallout shelters. -I told you all my concerns when I heard President Trump declare America safe, that it would stay that way, thinking he was talking to Korea, China and Russia, even terrorist cell. Only his not realizing he was rightly addressing God's Wine Press impacting Us soil weight of blood guiltiness, only, only sudden destruction right now can and will follow such errant, Satanic style revolution. Soon I was given a date of August 29th, which end up being the date that President Trump was in Texas accessing historic Harvey damage that now after a week iis yet amassing itself, all while North Korea 's Kim Yong un made his most provocative of missile launches ever, passing right over Japan. I agree, these harrowing at limits events speeds the Brides escape, though as well it increases the probability of a Nuclear disaster US and Korean soil, targeting millions of people though especially Americans who like the days of Noah are just waiting to be so easily and suddenly overtaken. Apb, The RAM


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