A Double Whammy

Early To Mighty

Listening To Selah, Lord I Trust You

Prophecy Link

     And I Heard In My Hearing, 08/31/2017, the single word, forewarning "August," it can only make you wonder what'a next of the historic month, it's final day, so far? Apb

     -Still, I Need To Say There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th. Even see the decade old radio announcement  "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it"!.  And yes Chris, it does matter whether or not you serve Jesus, He's the one who suggested that we pray the Father we're found worthy to escape these unimaginable horrors to multi-millions in death tolls yet pending, yes, yes, yes, US soil included. What you refuse to realize is that you are either in  an exodus with Jesus or you are in an exodus without Jesus, point being you are right now an American in exodus! Apb, 

     -Seen to be like the days of Jeremiah's Lamentations staying, watching from heaven, even mountain tops how it all descends along one prophetic to apocalyptic event after another, beware, Apb, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

       -America, Seen As This Dinner Host Loan of An Artificial, Leopard Skin Coat Of Mighty Distractions, Where If You Blink, Jesus Is Come And The Bride Is Gone, www.theissueoftherest2016.blogspot.com

     -Ah God, America's Judgment doesn't have anything to do with parting Israel, Israel have its own abominations dating back to Jesus accusing them of rejecting Him to accept another, even Daniel's little horn, as savior and world peace, stay in much prayer for them, Dan.9. Such where those two beast one from land one from sea seen rising into fruition just as Obama's 2008, appointed two week and seven years, appointed of America's duration expires into Beast reign. A pending with judgement Israel set to be targeted by God's Wrath to the Antichrist's, slaying millions of them, only Jesus return, possibly the eclipse of 2024/25,(Zech,14), will save them, just as He as well warn them. 
     -Stop it! Holy Spirits did a type of Ezekiel's Judah to King Belshazzar judgment of America, it's own, not Israel's who is rightly passing into a predicted Jacob's Trouble that is come, pray they stand for Jesus!  Though America's now two weeks and seven years into Obama's Administration, this witnessed of seeing Jesus Millennium descend into Obama's, signifying even Daniel's week as prophesied, now done. Just as Apostle was saying ,it was the night of Christmas 2001, three months after those New York towers and so many lives went into the dust. Amazingly, like the days of Daniel interpreting King Belshazzar's hand writing on the wall (see Jer. 37:8, 1998 of America's). Something cataclysmic happen, immediately the Bride was taken out leaving America facing a deletion of 190 years and a weigh station of it's OWN blood guiltiness, followed by one extinction level event after another, it's why Holy Spirits attempt to move all of you out of the way of it, this come as the days of Moses, American exodus.
    -That's once 190 months more was until a sudden subtraction of 190 years, of Ezekiel 4, this unthinkable master disaster US soil is then followed by both a world wide Arab/Islamic reign to the Antichrist rule, all Trump's Administration, I additionally witnessed, 2017. As Apostle been shown these 31 springs and testifying, America has it own problems, 50 million dead pending of it, so much so I just finished asking Christopher Green, AMTV, (escapetochristopher2017.blogspot.com), of my dilemma of moving hundreds of millions of Americans out of the way of a Yellowstone eruption, possibly taking the same trajectory as eclipse 2017. 
    -Horribly as in less than two months, that seem to be totally hopeless, until I realized the only way that's possible is if hundreds of millions of them move into the Christ of God, Jesus, blink and they're out of here, (www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com). Possibly you all the woman bearing black bowls (vials) of judgment, now stalled into a compassionate offer to millions stranded Americans patiently awaiting a single water cooler, (AMERICA), instead this offer of business cards for better homeless shelters, undoubtedly Mansions in heaven, drink this Living Water and never thirst again, awake, repent, escape, in this order, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come, ALL! Apb, Amen!

Early The Mighty   

        -Frightening To Glorious I know,  the woman seed/Lamb of God freed you from the Matrix, you are either in an exodus with Jesus Christ or you are in an exodus without Jesus Christ. The truth is you are now in an American to Westernized exodus, God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, Trump, and may God bless it! Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Trump The Truexit, Questionable Juggler
      -Though it is a plot to depopulate all humans into damnation, it haven't been a secret since Elohim stared down both mother Eve, as so Lucifer posing as a serpent this stunning garden, they had killed the Adam. So Elohim to save blessed face, "I will put enmity (Christ's Cross), between thee and the woman, between thy seed (Satan/cursed Adam), and the woman seed, (Living Spirit, Last Blessed Adam), it (Christ's Cross), shall bruise your head," (Righteous Bride Into Ascension), you shall bruise his heel, Religious Politics, Western Civilization drove the nails right into Antichrist Reign, now come Trump Administration. If and when as Christopher Green suggest, you pick up and read a book, let it be the bible, let it equally be bible prophecy into God's Revelations that is per the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarning all some 80 % of it is unto fulfillment, now, as in right now! 

     -I Promise you, the Living Bible like it's prophesied Living Christ are the only good gifts given under heaven whereby mankind, can be saved and live righteous, (Rom. 12:1, 2), as God Himself is Righteous. "Be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect, be ye righteous as I am righteous," Jesus.  Awake, repent, escape, in this order, and may the God of Heaven and Earth bless it, Apb, The RAM, see more here, (As The Days Of Ezekiel's Siege Is Against America Into A Command As The Days Of Moses, That All Leaders Release God's People Into The American Exodus), see http://layasiege2016.blogspot.com/ as so see www.escapetochristopher2017.blogspot.com    

     -Still, I Need To Say There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th. Even see the decade old radio announcement  "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it"!.  And yes Chris, it does matter whether or not you serve Jesus, He's the one who suggested that we pray the Father we're found worthy to escape these unimaginable horrors to multi-millions in death tolls yet pending, yes, yes, yes, US soil included. What you refuse to realize is that you are either in an exodus with Jesus or you are in an exodus without Jesus, point being you are right now an American in exodus! Apb, 
     -Though it is a plot to depopulate all humans into damnation, it haven't been a secret since Elohim stared down both mother Eve, as so Lucifer posing as a serpent this stunning garden, they had killed the Adam. So Elohim to save blessed face, "I will put enmity (Christ's Cross), between thee and the woman, between thy seed (Satan/cursed Adam), and the woman seed, (Living Spirit, Last Blessed Adam), it (Christ's Cross), shall bruise your head," (Righteous Bride Into Ascension), you shall bruise his heel, Religious Politics, Western Civilization drove the nails right into Antichrist Reign, now come Trump Administration. If and when as Christopher Green suggest, you pick up and read a book, let it be the bible, let it equally be bible prophecy into God's Revelations that is per the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarning all some 80 % of it is unto fulfillment, now, as in right now! 

     -I Promise you, the Living Bible like it's prophesied Living Christ are the only good gifts given under heaven whereby mankind, can be saved and live righteous, (Rom. 12:1, 2), as God Himself is Righteous. "Be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect, be ye righteous as I am righteous," Jesus.  Awake, repent, escape, in this order, and may the God of Heaven and Earth bless it, Apb, The RAM, see more here, (As The Days Of Ezekiel's Siege Is Against America Into A Command As The Days Of Moses, That All Leaders Release God's People Into The American Exodus), see http://layasiege2016.blogspot.com/ as so see www.escapetochristopher2017.blogspot.com    

    -Seen to be in heaven's glorious celebrations now halted undoubtedly this silence in heaven, seem to have a Holy One approach me,  say, He want to see you, I respond who? And He respond Him, suddenly I'm standing before a mountain in heaven, from which a brightness like the sun emerges. 
     -Only like the days of Egypt's ten plagues and Moses exodus it speaks, "let my people go," (as in loose them from American slavery, let them go into exodus, I guess you say God is taking His back, Apb), and this visitation of heaven passed from me... Apb 

     -And I Heard In my Hearing Standing My Kitchen, The Refrigerator With My Grands, 2011, A Call To Militarize All Police Offers, This Is Edging On Civil War Into A Tug Of Nuclear, All With Trump Now The Questionable, Juggler www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com 

     -"Do they know, do your children know, that although they grew up in free territory, that you, their parents grew up in free territory, that their children will up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? You must realize reapers bearing sword like syringes are targeting abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, which is why it was said of an approaching Katrina, "anybody going about a normal everyday life (the American Pretend), can just forget it!" 

     -You are either in an exodus with Jesus Christ or you are in an exodus without Jesus Christ, the truth is you are now in an American exodus, God's Trump Jesus or America's Truexit, Trump, and may God bless it! Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Early The Mighty   

     -Still, I Need To Say There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th. Even see the decade old radio announcement  "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it"!.  And yes Chris, it does matter whether or not you serve Jesus, He's the one who suggested that we pray the Father we're found worthy to escape these unimaginable horrors to multi-millions in death tolls yet pending, yes, yes, yes, US soil included. What you refuse to realize is that you are either in an exodus with Jesus or you are in an exodus without Jesus, point being you are right now an American in exodus! Apb, 

For There Shall Be Wars In Divers Places, Trump To Attack N. Korea September 13th

    -Possibly why doing the escape to Georgia dream, right at Obama's two weeks and seven years of America's allowance was finished and predicting an act of Cameron affecting world wide western civilization. Though not a specific day nor hour, the month of September 23-25th was given as an estimated time of escape. As well possibly why I witnessed missiles raining down, just as the Bride was taken up, all this rain even remain me of people stranded atop Trump towers, as in massive flooding. 

     -This is why the Apostle Paul placed the Brides rapture right as great leaders like President Trump declaring America safe indefinitely, again the Brides escape along this dangerous pride of his just as so America's exodus, as such declarations are prophetically meet with sudden destruction. So when Holy Spirit warn about August 29, they that would be the day we would see Trump visiting some of the worse hurricane damage it's history, all while North Korea, this same date as well is again threatening, beware as always, Apb, The RAM

The Elite Tekel Warning 
-I see this prophetic word I'm not only reminded of a purposeful 31 years of ministry, I'm reminded of America's own hand writing on the wall of Jeremiah 37:8, 1998. Whereas equally by a dream Dec. 2001, their blood guilt was placed on a weigh scale, this weigh station, (Dan. 5), to equal 190 months. This 190 months into desolation's US to all Western soil, also this sudden subtraction of 190 years, (see Eze. 4), so I'm sure the elite have known about this 15.10 year Intrepid Time table of judgment. Surely right into what I just learn is it's fruition that will be at Israel's feast of Trumpets holiday. So the elite as you call them have suspected this time table better than spiritual leaders and Christians, it's accuracy all these years, it is why they're seen stampeding into evacuations and exodus, beware, repent, escape in this order and may God bless it. Apb, The RAM
Early The Mighty -Still I Need To Say, There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th, (see the decade old radio announcement "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it"!). And yes Chris, it does matter whether or not you serve Jesus, He's the one who suggested that we pray the Father we're found worthy to escape these unimaginable horrors to multi-millions in death tolls yet pending, yes, yes, yes, US soil included, get Jesus and get out! Apb, -Is this the beginning to the end of the American Exodus I witnessed earlier at a turtle speed, but by great reapers put into full force, just as the Brides Rapture? Yes, Apostle did see this, why Trump's both God's and America's has been deemed a Truexit! Beware, GET OUT! Apb Prophecy Links -Seen to looking into a dream, seen to seeing the word "NOW! Being worked along this word puzzle until it comes to rest at Judgment, as in Judgment Now! Seen to be looking into a vision, whereas I see the word "NOW!" Decorated with multicolored blinking lights of caution. Pots And Kettles, Leopards and Ethiopians, Churchians and Sandians www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com -The Media warns of a civil war while they already seem to be in one, stop it! Enough already, when I was shown those build up of torture vehicles 2003, for as far as the eyes could see, (the stumbling of Syed Farook, http://2016theissueofblackbowls.blogspot.com/2016/03/), I heard a US General declare to his men don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty. I must tell you I wasn't only reminded of the Medes and Persians, warning as the days of the blackest of Prince beast rising 2008, Us soil, just as Obama's, (the Antichrist rose just as Trump), the end of the world, now upon us, I also considered the Media, that it was also being referenced here, as very dirty. Remember when Jesus did come as a thief and snatched out the Bride, it was while so many lie now were distracted and then stranded atop these Trump Towers. -It's like parents teaching their children (www,andachildshllleadthem16.blogspot.com), not to fight, not to argue and be so competitive when they themselves are awful, just these sickening examples. People seem to do more of what they see than what they're told, which is why America's lives, lands and churches all my 31 year ministry have been described as this abominable detestation, (infestation). When America was awarded the 11 o.clock shopping lunch hour yes both a parody of Bush Administration and America's lethal idolatry. What was also shown was how horribly Military personnel would be tortured and killed for all this uselessness all the more targeted these reapers on the demand so these fire, quake, water and dust/wind treasures, I now call them. -How many of you stopped to think, US soil having a death toll in the tens of millions pending in only a matter of weeks, how many hundreds of thousands to millions of Texans could be dead right now; all while you, their information source are proving God's fury at your Presidential leaders, and at you, rightly deserved? All celebration was brought abruptly to a screeching halt in heaven, disrupting functions there having an abundance into eternity. The Apostle John testified of it as this oddity, 92 ad, sitting my once highly active prayer closet that morning,1993 ad, I couldn't believe the stillness I now experienced there. -Heaven is more alive than any manner of liveliness from infinity into eons and eons come, soon a mountain in heaven, just as soon a light like the sunrise emerges. Only like in days of Moses exodus it speaks, "let my people go," I know, how harrowing to your blood, right? This was Elohim crying to all in power, as in right now, "let my go people into exodus." We know what followed, the ten plagues of Egypt (possibly why I heard a voice 2013 say, "five more disasters." Included in these plagues was a visiting death angel targeting then, all first born, all. Though right now, as in right now, coming to lives, lands and churches near you, reapers commanded instead to target all parents to continuing education for the kill, All, seen as transgender traps the next generation of the Genesis man, awake, repent, escape, in this order, and may God bless it!

Early The Mighty -Still I Need To Say, There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th, (see the decade old radio announcement "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it"!). And yes Chris, it does matter whether or not you serve Jesus, He's the one who suggested that we pray the Father we're found worthy to escape these unimaginable horrors to multi-millions in death tolls yet pending, get Jesus and get out! Apb, And He Shall Draft A Covenant With Many For One Week www.daniel534bc2017ad.blogspot.com www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com -If, even when we're honest, we know that fulfilling the book of Revelation prophecies, doing Daniel's Week which is come, alone will claim hundreds of millions lives yet stranded this earth, no Christ, no Bride. Unthinkable with two forewarning a decade or more old, not only crying how Antichrist. shown in great prowess Trump Administration, again how He will kill millions going broke right now. Although it is the additional warning how God said, He, as in His active to activated Wine Press will kill millions. It was doing Obama's second administration. This is with a Clinton on board, I witnessed this November 4th death toll. Cleverly, concerning, it was in the form of a funeral reef, tearing from a paper route's handle bars, right into the sky above, rightly as Apostle keep telling you. An outbreak of mortuary incomprehensible targeting the heathen raging (all rebelliousness, ALL), in preparation for Jesus' Millennium is upon all of earths inhabitants, the Angels Gabriel 2004, forewarning, beginning with America's Western Tier. And I Heard My Hearing, 1986-2016/17 www.theissueoftherest2016.blogspot.com -And I Heard In My Hearing 2017, "kill all parent by, finish all schools, 99 bowls of molten lava, the word "HORRIBLE," seen plucked out. A cry yours is a nuclear fate, a voice crying 2002, and 2017, that 50 million will die, now pending an abrupt exit of all of America. The words 'Judgment Now,' the word "Now," as a blinking light of caution, the cry, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," fulfilling the 5th seal. There's "let my people go into the end time exit to exodus of America, cried as the days of Moses, the Sunlight of God, from behind a Mountain in heaven right into the words, Revelation, The words Revelation 12 Sign, Judgment, then simply, Decide! Apb, See here, http://heartravising2017.blogspot.com/2017/08/and-i-heard-my-hearing-kill-all-parent.html -For When They Shall Say Peace And Safety. (See Trump Administration), Then Sudden Destruction Into The Brides's Escape, Cometh www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com -With Holy Spirits warning, 2002 and now 2017, even just as Trump was being inaugurated that 50 will die so how accurate to dire is Bill Gates warning? Was this the manipulation of a virus and soon an outcry, "12 years without an outbreak!" I seen under a microscope, that took the shape of a backward letter C only with a mysterious mast it's center, that horror giving into horror of which when ailing people demonstrated oddly they too shaped their hands into the form of a backward letter C? We've known since those three nights of dreaming war on US soil doing the late nineties, that an epidemic was as well coming. This forewarning was all the more verified when as one of the Intrepid Dream judgment, clearly after something so cataclysmic as to put technology back nearly 200 years. Clearly the first out of it's judgment to follow, just as I witnessed how Arab nations were now in charge of it, (Rev. 11, 17), said reaping was in the form of a towering, infested with fleas, beige (pale), horse. -What was the most surprising about these harrowing events, the intrepid car disappearance, America's judgment in the form of a traveler to truckers' weigh station; equally the weight of blood guilt itself placed at 190 lbs, even the pale horse judgment to come now man made horrors following? No, it was the speed by which nearly 200 years of Superpower to Super technology come to a screeching halt, again so frightfully all of a sudden the greatest of the greatest ever this earth was at the flick of a light switch, gone, just like that. Although Elohim doing this Judgment, shown totally responsible and liable into the towering infested beige horse, so further meaning Islamic rule, He did warn Mystery Abomination. -That giving into abominations right now all this nation, this world, how in one hour should it's judgment come, this is why the Apostle John then heard, possibly why I been seeing evacuations into exodus all my days, these 31 springs. "Come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plagues, here God is asking, warning nicely. "For her sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembered her iniquities, judged her, double upon her double," though now the cry presently is, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood." Possibly the parody of finding odd quarters sometimes two at a time, why the toll doing apocalypse, doing an escape with the little Miya girl across the border was clearly in the amount of two quarters, that I barely found. As so this further curiousness, the dream of closed double doors, where two quarters laid on the floor, again this curious thing. -I heard twice now in a 15 year period that 50 million will die, a Scientist here lately placed a Yellowstone eruption at 20 million instantly dead, just as an additional prophet years back, by a dream witnessed and predicted, that 20 million Americans would die. Strangely while Bill Gates is predicting an additional thirty million, all with a pale horse of pestilence pending in only a couple months or so, which by Revelation's prediction these thousands of years. It is to claim a quarter of the earth, only God's Righteous Judgement is threatening a double wammy. This is where I will tell you, while I witnessed 2016, Jesus Millennium descend right into Obama's or western civilization illegitimate claims of world peace. I also did see, that a massive toll on human life which has come totally littered the earth, there was even something about a percentage of 15, this amount on US soil alone would be in the total of some 40 to 50 million just horribly, gone. -Regretfully with hundreds of millions, even trillions this wide world, again, the live and personal depiction of an appearing Christ Jesus arriving with wings. So as with what was prophesied nearly two thousand five hundred years ago, how the sunlight of God, Prophet Malachi describe, would arrive with healing in his wings; that even the leaves from the trees of life are for the healing of the nations. When it come so evident to me, that doing the escape to Georgia dream, 06/26/2015, that Holy Spirit show themselves as mighty with concern about America's exodus, as they were of the Brides' escape. Well be reminded of the Gospel testament of Lazarus sister, Martha, taking a container of very expensive oil, pouring it over Jesus' feet and wiping his feet with her hair, this priceless worship; come to think of it something Shariah to religious laws couldn't allow, beware, let every knee bow and every breathe pray, blessed is he who come in the name of the Lord, Blessed and Glorious is sweet Jesus, Amen, Apb...


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