Water Shortages, Water, Water Everywhere, None To Drink

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White To Harvest Listening To, Selah, People Of The Cross Destroy This Bride And By The Speed Of An Eye's Blink, She is Restored To Bridegroom, Jesus www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com www,invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com Take Up Shield And Buckler, And Stand Up For Our Help! www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com -I Apostle to the Righteous Bride of Christ now escaping this earth, urge you to listen to Holy Spirits crying 1998, before Beast to Darkness rise, "get ye to all churches, pastors, messages and altars of Jesus Christ, "learn of end time events", a darkness is coming. Though now since the Beast to Darkness (Antichrist Rise), rose clearly just as Hussein Obama's, designing his wicked cabinet just as Trump, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood." The urgency? If God start measuring and judging martyred blood, I remind you from the first murder to righteous slain this earth, Abel, to the last into Jesus' Millennium, no flesh can stand, none. Which explains the command that all parents be killed, that all schools be finished, meaning from the highest calling this planet to the lest, except they by Christ's Cross repent, they're dead into damned, even the second death has them. Though, If you listen closely God's Living Word, you can hear Apostle John, his testament recorded the 6 chapter, the 5th seal. -Apostle John is talking about seeing wounded saints under God's throne, (I Apostle, I instead witnessed children in play, one here lately, my God grandson Caliph sparking like gold, learning how to walk). Though they, John's witness, they're crying, inquiring, "how long O Lord Holy and True doest thou not avenge our blood on the inhabitants of the earth?" So Holy Spirits, just as an appearing Angel Gabriel 2004, are telling you that judgement promise has come, and will come until Christ Himself again sat His Glorious Feet upon the mount of Olivet, There it is like another day with Moses at the Red Sea only now splitting a mountain in two, again Israel's deliverance from the greatest of evil. Truly, if the righteous are scarcely saved, (Great Gathering), where shall the ungodly and unrighteous appear, (how will they be justified without Christ replenishing blood? Awake, repent and escape in this order and may God truly bless your American exodus, Apb, Amen

There Will Be War! Let There Be War, Let The Heathen Fall Where They May, Let The Ungodly Be Ungodly Still

-Apostle warn how both dangerous and disastrous President Trump standing before America, this Putin handshake felt around the world that is itself dangerous to deadly sanctions. This of declaring America safe indefinitely when nothing this entire country's existence could've been further from the truth of it. Even that such the declaration by world leaders is prophesied by the Apostle Paul to be followed by the Brides escape from sudden destruction. I can tell you, the more any part of America, I don't care who you are, like in the days of Egypt'a Pharaoh, refuse to acknowledge God as God, He' to use this rebelliousness to command reapers willing and waiting to all the more strike out against you, earth, wind, fire, water disasters. Jesus Millennium to God's Kingdom is come and God have mercy on those resisting repentant altars, this judging of martyred blood against all rebellious, a pending 50 million dead already, beware! Apb, awake, see my latest comments here, http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/08/if-even-when-were-honest-we-know-that.html

Water Shortages,Water Everywhere But None To Drink

     -I'm reminded of the first of the year, 2017, while washing dishes the water just shut off no warning, immediately I began to contemplate if this was permanent. How I'd read behind a prepper who practiced filling his tub with water nightly, to just using it for bath water if nothing happen. At the time this happen, the only water I had in the house, not practicing what I preach, was half of a water pitcher. As so a couple of ice trays, what was in the commode, now thinking how much bleach was that per gallon of water? I thought about the filling of the bath only now it was too late, it's strange and sad the things you remember you should've done. This is before disasters you know are all the more come, again strange, I just learn there is a Cat. 5, possibly headed for the Carolina's and so many people just waiting to die, thinking it's not gonna happen to them; awake, repent, escape, in this order, and may God bless it! Amen, Apb

-Seem too wake up this victim of a seizure, of a body snatcher deal, though it was me, I or the American Dream, World System I Represented Had Been Mightily Taken Captive By This Heinous Asian Invasion, 1996-2016/2017 

Indeed There Are Events Transpiring In This Nation Americans Never Thought They'll See The Day, Beware Of Declarations Of Peace And Safety, Run!

     -I just saw on youtube, AMTV live that marshal law has been declared in Texas, I explained earlier, how when I open my eyes this morning I simply heard the word August and wondered. Truly what is it that can happen in only a twenty-four hour period? It being the final day of this month, when I read on NTEB, that Trump had called on the militarization of all nationwide police, I asked, was it the beginning of civil war/marshal law? May I make a suggestion, don't be so pigheaded to heart to jeopardize the eternal for the temporal, Jesus righteousness is non-violent, things seen temporal, things not seen, (Holy Spirits), eternal, Christian don't die, they ascend. 

     -This is why when shown the word puzzle of the word "Now," only a month or so ago, being shifted around until it landed aside the word judgment, as in Judgement Now! Then to only a few days later to have this same word 'Now," decorated along multicolored blinking lights of caution, was Holy Spirits warning no longer would such pending of troubles be held back, the bride a nano-second off of escape. Understand, all three intense visitations from heaven, to demonstrating dreams of rapture, 1986, 2011, and 2015, were all as right now around threats to the Righteous Bride from a chemical explosion or a nuclear threat, got Him, got Jesus yet? Beware, Apb, The RAM


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