Girl, Country On Fire

Jennifer it's more God's Judgement America's weighty blood guilt is come US soil, as was warn. It's why I suggested election 2016 and voting booths be pound into altars of Christ. Instead I hear a day prior to Trump's inauguration "fifty million will die," Trump's, Hillary, both Truexits, an end hath come upon Western Civilization, get Jesus and get out of it,, remember?

Solar Scientist Warning of a 9.3 xclass CME,  09/06, possibly the Noah, (NOAA's), Cousin word II received just a day past. Earth directed, not seen in this lifetime, since 1859, warn of how only a class 1, to 2 caused the Japan chemical plant disaster. Beware, Apb

  -There's something about Dutchsinse, about 99 bowls of molten lava, about fuel canisters all in a circle being lit, (see the pacific this ring of fire), being made ready. About reapers bearing monster natural disasters, right now sparing Millions of lives, this stampeding of America from the West coast into exodus, from nuclear to Yellowstone type extinction level events coming in a matter of weeks, get Jesus and get out of it, Apb, The RAM

-First Chris I want to thank you for this video, second, I been anxious to get Americans to consider Holy Spirit has placed them along a slow motion exodus that has come. It is because something in the manner of an extinction level that can instantly end tens of millions live and finished 190 months of US technology, an event alone that could eventually cause millions their lives.  Imagined being taking like a Christmas carol dream into the future of America gone into the greatest of judgment pending since Christmas night 2001, US soil, until 190 months are finished, so October 2017. Just so as so put this fly over in fast forward it is Chris your option 6. sorry, but as well pleased, as I've grown weary of these 31 springs of seeing this, as I enter this dream there was no western seaboard to speak of, it was already gone, fire were them burning from the mid west into into a totally consumed in flames White house and something that has damaged the Kennedy space center.  Then as the ten years broadcast I have about Guam, soon this harsh reality about it's attack on cities, at this time I heard an alike broadcast, only it was that the eastern seaboard was gone
     -The last thing I remember hearing and seeing, as you can see, this scenario, you 6th, make sense of Holy Spirits forewarning of a fifty million person death toll both 2002, This was after they showed four continents to nations in a block, those who're edging right now toward Nuclear. World War and eventually Antichrist rule to Armageddon. As so, as one waking from sleep, I heard a voice say, "fifty million will die," Chris, this was only a day prior to President Trump's inauguration, meaning his Presidential win didn't even put a dent in that predestined these thousands of years, as the fall of the Great Whore to Mystery Babylon of Rev. 17, 18 I predicted is happening. Concern even more,  with visions only weeks past, this use of the word "Now," as in "Judgment Now," and only fays later the use of the word "Now," as a blinking light of caution, all while Obama's Administration was cast as a time of American rule that had lapsed. As you're to reconsider, just this lost Chris of 190 years into 1811, N. Korea/China/Russia, Yellowstone, or Nibiru will bring to a complete lights out of all these technical plans of such iron men attempts to genocide the Genesis Man/Marriage, itself this Anti-God/Christ,  Beware,  Apb, The RAM.

This is the beginning to the end of the world as we know it, into Daniel final week, if when we see but Islamic reign after this outbreak of cataclysms hit, end US soil, it's the is end, no dispensation od grace, no church age, no America to outreach the cross, the only single power that is heart changing, this is why heavens host warn, woe woe woe, for earth's inhabitants Satan is taking over.

For When They Shall Say Save The American Dream, Sudden Destruction As The Revelation 12th Sign Cometh Upon Them,

Prophecy Links

And I Heard In My Hearing, "I Don't Care What The Heavens Do Any More, Get Back To Shelby County!
Powers, Principalities and Dominions, Beware! Apb
-Reapers I call them, Apostle warn you was coming, in the form of disastrous forms of nature, earth, wind, fire, water, 99 bowls of molten lava with a dutchsinse pending, That they're to target all procrastinating exits into evacuation, putting this slow motion exodus predicted of America's rebellion along a stampede seeing God so love them, repent!. The truth is no one even know if Irma will make a US landfall let a lone, where, which is why I warn days past that all Americans prepare as all Americans will be impacted in way one or another. So my question is, did we with too much concern for US soil totally and completely forget about all those thousands of people in the Caribbean? Did we with such concern for Florida of a monster storm unknown path, forget the first people or areas on Irma's list? I asked weeks ago, was America being seized upon from every point of emphasis, were we feeling or suffering the aftermath or effects of the 2017 historic eclipse? -I just learned and shared with you as I did, that just as this Jewish feast of Trumpets rightly approaching will mark the beginning of the first week of Daniel, it then make sense that it as well mark the end of western civilization, ("Mark 17 and 7," 2003). Stop trying to adjust end time fulfillment, God as the days of Job and Moses is only trying to move the hundreds of millions of stagnant American's out of the danger of America's eviction. Honestly if you think this is bad, just think how apocalyptic it's going to be when Elohim no longer has to steer these monsters away from His Anointed, see Rev, 7, Beware as always, it is as over for America as the days of the prophesied fall of the Great Whore into Mystery Babylon, Rev. 17 and 18th chapters, get Jesus, get yours and get out of it! Apb, The RAM  

Bless your heart, America's appointed 2001 until 190 months be fulfilled, place these disasters along this perfectly designed timing. Said 190 months into a lost of 190 years, will culminate  I just realized the Jewish holiday of feast of trumpets beginning the last week of Daniel right upon America's exit from world affairs. Thus is why further I believe the 2017 Eclipse acted as both​ a warning of come judgement and a projected trajectory of what an extinction level event would take, for example a Yellowstone eruption acting as a domino effect right along other teetering on their edge fault lines, undoubtedly the death rider I witnessed come  from beneath the earth 1996, so frightfully this our break of troubles, this seize US soil really, really verifying all things I, Apostle been prophesying these 31 springs, including the American slow motion Exodus now being put into full force, beware as always, Apb The RAM

    -I heard in my hearing, a word that didn't make sense, like that vision I got years back where I witness a baby Angel Gabriel in the car. As I woke from sleep, I heard a voice lament, Noah's cousin, and I said to myself Noah's, cousin, what is that? I even spend a day later questioning whether or Noah had one, soon shook it off, until just now while on the weather channel, something I do every now and then, man might control a lot of things on this earth, and though they might have their various lasso's the weather isn't one of them, even if they tried, gladly, it will not have an Armageddon movie ending, but at the extinction level this nation and earth disastrous, I'm just warning you.
     -Anyway I was reading alone until I ran across the letters NOAA, Noah, a cousin is a person or in this case an event who is connected by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman, a likeness. Understand not only does, the command to mark 17 and 7, 2003, points to the days of Noah, as so a warning these thousands of years. It is of Jesus Christ himself, warning that these end times, the angel Gabriel say we're in will be as the dangerous, deadly days of Noah days. Heretofore every time there's a rainbow we're reminded of the rainbow covenant, Apostle has been claiming is now broken in horrid awareness of the same sex marriage vote, same sex marriage, which is not a marriage, but a perversion, the sexual harassment into genocidal mutation of the Genesis man.
     -Please, if this made aware just kills you, do all your death and dying in this single worthy this earth, Jesus Christ, the only blessed death, blessed shepherd, the second death,  judgment and hell, hath no power. It, the relating of these evil days, of the evil the soil to blood guilt that is America, to Noah, this family resemblance NOAA. Sincerely, knowing this will possibly explain why it is doing the demonstration of rapture, I told you I have plenty versions of them, this is where America was presented as this bedazzling loan of an artificially fur leopard skin coat, denoting incorrigible in sin or with sin. An expert illusionist enabling Jesus to come right into the greatest era of made aware this earth and still sneak the bride out from among them, whereas the last part of this incredible reveal presented these pending tribulation saints as those sorely distracted and thus deluded by three pimary evil, a whiteman's bed, a restroom brawl and being stranded atop highrise building , these are curses as of Jesus's warning sexual promiscurity and doing the last days of Western world rule into the come Antichrist deception and rule nfluenced the command that all parents be killed, that all schools be finished, factor in a great, carnvourous beast stomping and chomping them from pulpits into their pews, their peace getting porches, and highly valued stock to money markets, all these was the parody without end that America this nation, this world is finished, get Jesus and get out of it.

left atop high rise building


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