Chaos Explodes

    And The War Baby Ask, Where Doses America's Great Power To Wealth Come From?

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     And I Heard In My Hearing, "Cousin Noah," 09/05/2017, (see NOAA, see as the days of Noah's Flooding, Harvey, Irma, this breaking of the rainbow covenant, beware, Apb),

      -First Chris I want to thank you for this video, second, I been anxious to get Americans to consider Holy Spirit has placed them along a slow motion exodus that has come. It is because something in the manner of an extinction level that can instantly end tens of millions live and finished 190 months of US technology, an event alone that could eventually cause millions their lives.  Imagined being taking like a Christmas carol dream into the future of America gone into the greatest of judgment pending since Christmas night 2001, US soil, until 190 months are finished, so October 2017. Just so as so put this fly over in fast forward it is Chris your option 6. sorry, but as well pleased, as I've grown weary of these 31 springs of seeing this, as I enter this dream there was no western seaboard to speak of, it was already gone, fire were them burning from the mid west into into a totally consumed in flames White house and something that has damaged the Kennedy space center.  Then as the ten years broadcast I have about Guam, soon this harsh reality about it's attack on cities, at this time I heard an alike broadcast, only it was that the eastern seaboard was gone
     -The last thing I remember hearing and seeing, as you can see, this scenario, you 6th, make sense of Holy Spirits forewarning of a fifty million person death toll both 2002, This was after they showed four continents to nations in a block, those who're edging right now toward Nuclear. World War and eventually Antichrist rule to Armageddon. As so, as one waking from sleep, I heard a voice say, "fifty million will die," Chris, this was only a day prior to President Trump's inauguration, meaning his Presidential win didn't even put a dent in that predestined these thousands of years, as the fall of the Great Whore to Mystery Babylon of Rev. 17, 18 I predicted is happening. Concern even more,  with visions only weeks past, this use of the word "Now," as in "Judgment Now," and only fays later the use of the word "Now," as a blinking light of caution, all while Obama's Administration was cast as a time of American rule that had lapsed. As you're to reconsider, just this lost Chris of 190 years into 1811, N. Korea/China/Russia, Yellowstone, or Nibiru will bring to a complete lights out of all these technical plans of such iron men attempts to genocide the Genesis Man/Marriage, itself this Anti-God/Christ,  Beware,  Apb, The RAM.

Chaos Explodes, Lisa Haven,

   -I have seen America under seize although I asked recently whether or not America was under seize from every aspect to understand whether you all see it as well. I further asked whether or not we were feeling the side effects or the aftermath of the historic eclipse of 2017, whose trajectory i feel would equal that of a Yellowstone, domino style eruption, this ultimate warning. Hearing in my ear the taunt of 99 bowls of molten lava, into being made to see fuel canister all around in this circle being purposefully lit. With so many questions about where on US soil will Hurricane Irma make it's impact, with those predicting New York, while I've predicted the mid Atlantic. Soon I was reminded of this really odd dream, probably like 20 years past, something I didn't consider could be weather related, a cirro-cumulus bomb yes, with a voice in my ear which said her name is Ci-buna, his name is balt-ti-more.
     -Again I never considered this warning, well, yes, weather related, but not in the form of an explosive hurricane, where just the other morning I heard the oddity of Noah's cousin. Marveled at this I come to NOAA, as in the days of Noah's apocalyptic floods targeting the breaking of the rainbow covenant. Doing the demonstration of rapture, where a bedazzling, artificial leopard skin coat loan was used as a massive distraction, just as Christ stole the Bride away, those left behind were stranded Lisa atop high rise buildings like a great deluge had come, beware, as usual, as I been predicting they're all coming, ah, that Aug, 29th mystery turn out to be Trump's visit to Texas and Kim's most lethal of missile test, this is America's exodus, so any scenario is as possible as it is deadly, get Jesus and get out of it!"  


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