Could The Word Noah's (NOAA), Cousin, Be Referring To As The Days Of Noah's Flood, Come US Soil The Breakage Of The Rainbow Covenant? The Word Horrible Plucked Out, The Word Treasures All Black And Blasted, Malls Shaped Into Fall Out Shelters, A Cry of 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava, As So Dutchsinse, The Word Judgment Now As A Blinking Link Of Caution, The Cry All Get To Repentant Alters, 2016/17, Beware, Apb I warn as this vote was pending, knowing President's Trump rebellious nature, this may as well be another of his declarations of peace and safety. That I warn upon Putin and His handshake would be followed as prophesied by sudden destruction. only a week later I heard in my ear August 29th, Shared it here, not realizing just as I'd warn I was giving you the very date President Trump would be in Texas assessing hurricane Harvey's damage; said to be the costliest yet, God is this angry, I also told you, some fifty millions deaths pending, tens of millions instantly US soil. -Not only so, it was this date Kim made his most dangerous of missiles test now Irma. with others pending is bearing down on what I predict, if there's a US landfall will be the mid Atlantic states into Canada, with a prophecy warn lately of seeing a hurricane destroy New York. Remember that question after Harvey, way wasn't Houston warn or evacuated? Beware please see this,, it's AMTV Chris Green, war scenario, you see, what he describes as the 6th, that sound like the 6th seal, that I as well witnessed of mass catastrophes US soil. -As one taken as in a Christmas Carol dream, into this flyover, into America's weight of judgment, I witnessed it be destroyed from coast to coast. Just as to come into the dream, there was no West coast into the Mid-south to speak of, why you are evacuating Southeast into exodus. The White house, now Trump's was engulfed in flames, then just as I heard of Guam, now N. Korea's target, He, N, Korea, Guam's, evenly so I further heard. Like Guam it was in the form of a radio broadcast, I heard it said, that "the entire eastern seaboard was just gone," and there ended this fly over America's last days into desolation's. -Though I witnessed an outbreak of states of emergencies along mid Atlantic states, I witnessed something referred to as a cirro-culumus bomb, also referred to as Ci-buna, whose target was Balt-ti-more, heretofore why I reinterpreted the Houston question. God, by His wine press sentence upon US soil, it's blood guilt is ending America, why Trump's appear so temporary, just as a visit from Elohim forewarn me of 1998. It's why it's being seized from every angel seeming but one, Holy Spirit's purpose of amazing grace is to evacuate you just as they take the Bride out, I've witnessed this, right along any area nation not continuing in western rule being sorely targeted. -I Apostle testified of this, that doing this demonstration of escape, 06/26/2015, I was briefly given an estimated date of escape, of September twenty something, now September not only the month of the Anniversary of America's worse attacks, but it has become the month Trump is threatening a military confrontation with N. Korea/China/Russia. It is what apostle believe is the beginning, though all of Revelation, to every biblical prophecy ever forewarn is commanded into fulfillment, forewarn Angel Gabriel. 2001 . First the beginning to the end of especially Rev, 17, 18, and 19th chapters, America the great whore, the beast piggy backing her once nations allying her but have been made to hate her into seeing to her destruction, beware, get Jesus and get out of it! Apb, The RAM


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