
Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest
Listening To, Big Daddy Weave, Overwhelmed,

     -Seen to seeing the word 'Horrible," plucked right out of the work, I'm reminded of heavenly host warn, the three woe, that great sorrow is come, not only that old devil come down, presently is come, Antichrist Reign, Apb
Seen to seeing he word "Treasures," all black an blasted, (see master wildfires into incalculable volcano erupting targeting abominable lives, lands and churches all with beast tearing through them Apb ),

"Horrible Lives, Blacken Treasures"

    -I Anita been telling people these many decades, no this is not a coincidence, that they're all coming,  that by a dream 2015, Holy Spirits placed the Brides' escape and America's exodus around the same time as the intrepid timetable, that in 2001, for 190 months, Dec. 2001-Oct. 2017. A timing I further learn is Israel's 2017 feast of Trumpets, judgment upon America's blood guilt in the way of a cataclysmic event setting it back for 190 years will begin into a pale horse/Islamic world reign, judgement . This is the break out of disaster I warn months pass was coming, even that Trump's declaration of peace and safety would be followed as prophesied by sudden destruction.
     -Whereas Anita, only a week later, I heard a voice lament August 29th, which turn out to be the very date Trump was witnessed in Texas assessing hurricane damage into Kim's deadliest of missile tests, God as I warn is is beyond serious. there's talks and cries among Holy Spirits that He's  avenging martyred blood, you and I both know, them no flesh can stand. I explained how all these troubles acting as the days of Noah (NOAA)/ Moses' exodus, were to act as an incentive to get people as far Southeast into evacuations and exodus as soon as possible, America as of the little Miya girl in your cars is being evicted into extinction.
     I call them reapers, as the days of the prophet Ezekiel, 9, actually I've seen them, thy were with sword like syringes getting after people already stampeding, stabbing at their incorrigible to procrastinating hearts. Those now in the form of master disasters, the earth, wind, fire, water, with a ten year old prophecy of Guam's attack and as recent as Trump's, 99 bowls of Molten Lava/50 million dead, pending, as so something about dutchsinse. If you want to understand America's timetable into deletion that ended 06/26/2015 with Obama's administration into a pending Cameron's Brexit, (see Dan. 4, 5, 9 Chpts), pretty much the beginning to end of a revised Europe into the Antichrist Cabinet/Rise.
     -As of those two beast Rev. 13, come into fruition just as Obama's, I saw this just as Apostle John, one vicious beast from land, one vicious beast from the earth, into US soil debating Hussein filing station of failed gas stations to pumps right now, remember President Bush said we were addicted, no it's, America's mightiest of blood guilt now targeted. As well explaining the witnessed of Jesus glorious millennium descending into Hussein Obama's, the end of Daniel's week of years,  the seventh angel trumpet, (Rev. 10, 12, Chpts). Now we know why a visiting Angel Gabriel as he'd done with a soon to come with blessed child Mother Mary, even father Zechariah, John the Baptist was being formed, as so as He, with Archangel Micheal allying hundreds of years prior visited Daniel, told him of vast troubles into a little horn rise hitting the earth right now, thus his mention of a seventh angel, for when it sounds there will a celebration in heavens this jubilee , see more here,, get Jesus and get out of it!

in my work, my parables I used, holy spiriut used to get though yoto you that is a lot ore forthtelling thna I could;ve ever imaguned, this is already happen, yellowstone is erupting, millions of people are dead, millions missing and millions after tons of years of forwsrning are evacuationing, I had no plans wbatever to include a yelloestone eruption in this work and one morning while i was writing, there wss the commotion all aaround snd just ss soon yllowstone was erupting and just ss soon, millions of others were taken, as in the rapture, the african juttah as well, Around the late eighties, stop thinking I don;t know what I;m telling you i know, how do zi know? because I have been chosen to know, Jesus told the disciples they would know thinking, they hear and understand things other wouldn't or could n;t because he's chosen them, not they him. You would be surprised how I come to know I  know things or zi have been shown things that I don't even realized.  At the turn of my head i was in a cruel, dark place, a void that itself is worse than imagining eternity in heaven, I can only assume it is the darkness all mankind is born into, of holy spirit seeing his reflection on the water before Elohim God cried let their be light and it is and nothing of evil men to their evil wicked satanic to demonic father couldn't put it or the outer darkness Jesus threaten to toss all thieves climbing up to heaven some other way, than that single way God hath for all mankind, all, Jesus Himself.  Someone approach me in this black void, this vacant still, even darken matter, it too had to be a light, because as soon as I touch his hand, a soon as we began to move out, though blackness was all around, there an illumination under every step I took, every move I, well we made, the pslmist cried how He, God is a lamp to out feet, our path, just as soon there was light and illumination all around, and just as soon, revelation, upon revelation all around, precept upon precept, line upon line, until I begin to see, think, those loan the apostle john, never, could I have imagined they were mine, this vast, knowing and clarity going on forever and ever was mind, it was yours
so hath sin, that I'd been cast into outer darkness, destroying the plan or purpose that I would ever know this, that you would ever be told, his name was Adam, her name was eve, after they failed a trial of disobedience human's blood lineage turn to blackness, vials and illusion, which all metamorphosed into the American Dream, but that's ok, because a second son of Eve's separated along Eve's womb alone, would restore light and revelation man to men, if only they believe, you can even hear john the beloved, "in the beginning was the light, and this light was the light of men, things seen temporal, things not seen eternal. I remember explaining to Caden this something about ownership, this slow motion exodus of a needful escape we're in, even this stumbling block of iniquity, anyway I explained to him, if we own it, it can't be taken from us, everything or anything on this planet can be taken and is, will be taken as we're not it's original owner, it is all on loan, which is why Jesus advised us to laid all loves, lived and treasures in heaven, nothing, no power can take them away. The world migration was pretended in this work, only a called it the world's exodus, great, unnamed cataclysms I'd seen and suffered my prophetic ministry had driven the world's refugees into a proposed extinction of grace about 1986, which evacuations from America because of Tkamb terrorist, that's of the young marriage worshipers, again began unknowingly sixteen years into their birth, 1996, making them the class of 2012, meaning the first to be evacuated into the African Juttah, in case you didn't know, Col Gaddifi's United sates of Africa, that would've been realized, now get this, by 2017, so by the very year America is evcauting around Israel's feast of trumpet that is moving them, as in world nations into daniel final whereas 42 months will fall to islamic reign and yet another 42 will fall to will fall to Antichrist reign, meaning the fifty million death toll pending everthing from nuclear wars to Super eruptions,

maybe Obama was made ruler over the  house of the enemies so that one day like the days of moses he would deliver them

can't wait to be with you
eneveloped by angels
angels allaround
bride was me

I woke this morning singing yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away, but now they seem like yesterday, oh I believe in yesterday, and that, that is the problem, our future, our eternity with, in God's Kingdom is fulfilled in Jesus, the genesis, the law, the prophets, the apostle, the gospel, the prophecies and revelations of God all, this is why Paul said, forget those things which are behind you, press toward the mark, of the high calling of God, of the prize, that is in Christ Jesus the lord.


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