And The War Baby Ask, Where Does America's Wealth Come From

     And The War Baby Ask, Where Doses America's Great Power To Wealth Come From?

     -Though US soil has both an Asian Invasion into an extinction level event pending in only weeks, what did Kim Jong given America's war into wars crimes, it's very nature, what did he think would happen? Why would he taunt these superpowers if he was incapable of delivering, as I said, though American soil is looking at it's worse day to death tolls ever or ever again, just this apocalyptic extinction. truly who knows which of these nations will fall as well, so Kim Jong Un was only a scare tactic?
     -Here's my response to Lisa Haven's videos,  Lisa. your map look like the days of 2002, when I saw  4 nations, to Continents in a block, Asia, America, Japan, Russia. Right into a warning that 50 Million will die reinvented even as Trump entered this world of pots and kettles, tug of nuclear wars into Armageddon.
     -This report appear as Rev. 17 to 18, the beast engineering this is piggy backing the great whore, this pledge of allegiance, that is Western rule. Only to soon turn these members nations who actually hate her, against her, against America instead overthrowing them. So either way we're witnessing the fall of Western Civilization into Daniel's final week that's been predestined since Christ Millennium. Thus America's own designed evacuation to exodus, Apostle been seeing these several decades and  keep calling and calling for, get Jesus and escape, Apb, the RAM

   -Seem to have a Leopard, (Prince of Grecia), a Lion (Prince of Mystery, America), and a demon dog (demonic possession) all as innocent house pets, all this, as the Red Dragon, of dan. 7, Rev. 12, threat to the Brides's outreach, beware, Apb

     -A predicted since the days of Clinton into Trump's administration of a proposed 50 million dead that is possibly America's soil alone, with hundreds of millions pending world wide. I will presumed, when Angel Gabriel 2004, forewarn how all things were unto fulfillment we didn't calculate such forewarning nation to worldwide death tolls. Apostle warning they're coming, all that can make master disasters to an extinction level event, ending America, including a pending pale horse judgment into an Islamic/Antichrist reign. I just need to ask, why is it Russia's Putin. as so other world leaders China, Japan, can freely give us these types of warnings, but the US of A, fake news into alternative news engines, even pastors to pulpits; these abominable into the grave and hell they just go on like America's Holocaustical whys won't or even haven't come to haunt her, them into complete removal, this horrid?
     -These unreachable tolls on human life is the more than I can describe of nationwide disasters to truexits, both God's Trump Jesus to America's Trump that are come. These greased over handle bars, a Nov. 4th date, disallowing Russia and China, those very ones serious with warning us about what is actually happening to our nation and world gone biblically prophetic. President Trump is determined to be a patriotic leader of Americans right now, putting Americans first most of all, only it's the very evil God is targeting of such nonsensical hypocrisy, calling on their deletion. Crystal clear, unless President Trump pound what American to western rule is into altars of Christ and America's exodus, every move he make. Every vote, sanction to ban, is going to be counted equally as cries of peace and safety and will all the more bring sudden destruction, as forewarn of it's own handwriting on the wall of judgment,Jer. 37:8, 1998, get Jesus and get out of it!  Apb, The RAM


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