
-Still I Need To Say, There Is Something About August 29th, I Know Harvey, A Historic Hurricane Has Come Ashore Since, That Trump Will Be Visiting Texas Any Day Now, Still Holy Spirits Were Specific About, This Date, August 29th, (see the decade old radio announcement "it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it"!). And yes Chris, it does matter whether or not you serve Jesus, He's the one who suggested that we pray the Father we're found worthy to escape these unimaginable horrors to multi-millions in death tolls yet pending, get Jesus and get out! Apb,

And He Shall Draft A Covenant With Many For One Week

-This not that, don't make that mistake, whatever allowance the America were to get to the point of the second Bush reign into the war of the axis of evil, Whereas Obama's rose with the last final beast pending in two week and seven years of America's end, making Cameron's a Brexit, Trump's a Truexit right into Jesus' Millennium reign, meaning all bible prophecy between Daniel's week into the seventh trumpet Angel, meaning just as Jesus Cross, stalled Daniel's clock these thousands into Obama's Presidential rule, just as the Bride escape Daniel's clock, an Israeli/Islamic peace pack will spend all of earth's inhabitants into the final seven years of Beast rule, this era of the greatest of Tribulations ever or ever again, America will exodus the question is will it be before tens of millions are dead or will tens of millions dead cause a a speedy exodus? .

And I Heard My Hearing, 1986-2016/17

 -And I Heard In My Hearing 2017, "kill all parent by, finish all schools, 99 bowls of molten lava, the word "HORRIBLE," seen plucked out. A cry yours is a nuclear fate, a voice crying 2002, and 2017, that 50 million will die, now pending an abrupt exit of all of America. The words 'Judgment Now,' the word "Now," as a blinking light of caution, the cry, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," fulfilling the 5th seal. There's "let my people go into the end time exit to exodus of America, cried as the days of Moses, the Sunlight of God, from behind a Mountain in heaven right into the words, Revelation, The words Revelation 12 Sign, Judgment, then simply, Decide! Apb, See here,

    -Yellowstone Caldera more active just as an ELE is pending US soil, infecting tens of millions of lives, than it's been from between a half of million to 6 hundred million years, Huh!,

     -Behold It Is Death, Come From Beneath The Earth, Come Against All Forgetting Christ!
-For When They Shall Say Peace And Safety. The Sudden Destruction Cometh
-With desolation's US soil, pending one behind the other, I told you are all coming, one to cause the sudden death of tens of millions, so Harvey to Nuclear war to Yellowstone types were coming regardless of whose the President. This is why hearing President Trump declare America safe indefinitely was frightening, it is the one declaration that's to mark the Brides escape as it is the one prophesied to be followed by sudden destruction, so God's fury was aimed at Trump's as the day's of past leaders, rebellion. This is why even as I named Trump the Truexit, I named Clinton a Hilexit, it has been over twenty years since God told us His plans for America's destruction. It has been 15.10 years into October 2017, since they forewarn his approach of judgement to sentence of a nation to world catastrophes, again one after the other, that is come.
-I further explained how reapers, as portrayed Ezekiel 9, under command, a census has been taken and everything, so they know who you are. How they would target all procrastinating an exit to an escape,I know to save their own lives into their immortal souls, again I know. Apparently this show of divine force is to finally prove how much control the American Dream to World Religion/Government have over God's people, this genius distraction to delusion. Thus the command from the sunlight of God, this mountain in heaven, as the days of Moses, crying, 'let my people go!" Just as so explaining why the demonstration into rapture, 2015, by an estimated escape of September 23-25th, wasn't simply the Bride's escape, but portrayed here as well, was America's exit Southeast into exodus, beware Apb,

    -That Beautiful is what has been said since the days of the prophets these nearly three thousand years, only when the Angel Gabriel appear 2004, his was to warn that the fulfillment of all things was upon all nation building. Meaning, when Jesus said that generation shall not past away until all is fulfilled, the Angel Gabriel was revealing us as that end time generation. Meaning first those prophecies between the dispensation of grace and the capturing out of the Saints, into the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet. Pretty much the stone cut out without hands King Nebuchadnezzar and I, Apostle, witnessed come down from heaven, the crushing of all rebellion, ALL!

     -The truth is when the Angel Gabriel forewarn we're that generation I doubt if we stopped to consider what and how fast certain biblical prophecies had to be fulfilled first between the dwindling dispensation of grace (which was now Obama's administration, 2008-2015), into the Brides's escape, as so between the dwindling dispensation of grace into the sounding of the seventh angel. There's the completion of the dispensation of grace, the great gathering of saints, the judgement of the great whore that is America, that is now, as in right now. As so Daniel's week which will include, the peace-pack between Israel and Islam, the rise of Antichrist which will include Israel's literal obliteration, the battle of Armageddon. As so Jesus, now with the Bride, (arriving with tens of thousands of His Saints), as prophesied right upon the mount of olives, Israel's deliverance, I been up there, so crisp and clean is the air.        
    -As soon as this seventh angel trumpet sound, the Angel Gabriel as well mention, it will herald the second return of Christ, there will be unpronounceable celebrations in heaven. It is now that the Kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever, I know, to realize any of it is phenomenally without proper description. The Angel Gabriel, as with the Prophet Daniel, now laying all these thousands of years of wondering who, what, when? To complete rest, even Beautiful, that while mankind is here looking at the worse trials US soil, this world over, ever or ever again, the heavens are in one biblical event to celebration. That even the silence my  prayer closet 1993, was an intermission of such triumph, as the sunlight of God, appearing from behind a mountain in heaven called on all troubled people to be loosed as the days of Moses into Christ's truth, this blessed altar into exodus, beware as always, Apb The RAM       


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