Judgement Now, As In Right Now!

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest
A Study Of The Prophet Ezekiel, The Root Of The RAM's Ministry

Knowing, America Doesn't Need A President It Need A Blessed Father, Savior And Comfortor. Their Blessed Friend

    -Imagine not only is this the Prophet Ezekiel, assigned to open three specific time, tested doors to you, that equally this is God the creator. Not unusual with men, so sending you on a mission to His people, bless you with all gifts and divine ammunition, show you things and empower you in ways Christ upon His Ascension prophesied greater work shall ye do. Then Elohim God tells you, they, the people you are being send to, they are not going to listen to you, they are too prudent, too stiff neck and hard at the heart, cursed though as Elohim kept telling warning Moses of  a harden Pharaoh, how such stubbornness would be used against them. This is why Jesus explained the use of parables as doing no true harm seeing though the people have eyes, ears and a heart, they're all closed off as to bury ones head in the sand, sandians to chuchians I know call them.
     -This is why as the days of Noah, so are they, even though cataclysms one after another has taken them by the tens of millions regardless of warnings these many days, hours, as of past generations. The great whore of expert distractions and delusions have them, all the better this curse of God upon all procrastinating repentance to Christ, that even as I write, I may as well be heralding these three walls into double doors of an exit all around me or even this great forest of a stunning backyard, what a blessed scenery indeed. Just a few days past, I kinda got sick in my spirit when I realized although death tolls in the tens of millions are right now, and Apostle do mean, right now upon US soil.
     -Prophesied, I've seen an evacuation to an exodus out of this country since by parables it's characters of my own, the late eighties demonstrated, so a very long time ago. What made me so concern, the heart and ministry of God, His ways that passes all understanding, but One who is long suffering toward usward not willing that any perish. Commending this love toward us by first sacrificing His Son and on a daily to hourly bases jeopardize Christ's Anointed, that you know, and when much blood has been shed that you, all the more blood is shed, that, you, know.
     -You don't have to worry about them, Christ's Anointed, this is why Jesus even while He was facing the worse of prosecution and execution our sins slaying  him. Still He was explaining to the governor of executions Rome's Pilate, how a Kingdom in heaven awaited Him, as is Christ, as is His Bride, they, we, God's Anointed don't die, their flesh rest into resurrection their spirit soars into celebrating now Kings and Queens, this heir to Heaven's throne, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come.
    -Again my as the days of Apostle John weeping so helplessly along God's throne, the timetable of allowance, the 190 months toll was now down to a couple of months. Then I like my brethren apostle being an Apostle in love, I was left thinking, wondering was there anyway to evacuate hundreds of millions of persons within a couple months notice. Concern yet? Whereas one month September 2017 would be used to escape the Bride to heaven, the other month, October 2017, has been shown, used to bring down God's hammer, Thor's has no comparison.
     -If you think HIS finger is bad, said of a category 5 tornado, let alone a Hurricane, lets just say if not only all parents are commanded to be killed, but all schools are commanded to be finished, these two disasters in action spells the end to western civilization period. As so, just in case you're wondering, over a million displaced Texans right now, could be over a million dead Texan's, only not yet, a time table has been set into October 2017, and this out breakout of mortuary 2002, 2012 and per Trump's inauguration 2017, judgment in the manner of an extinction level event, will fall, fifty millions deaths have been logged.
     -Lets just say at King Nebuchadnezzar's witnessed one strike of the stone cut out without hands all kingdom and nation building was brought to an end, again, all kingdom and nation building, this include America, set to begin at American soil. This is to mean from the first Adam, (see Religoius to Shariah law), lamenting, "this woman you gave me,"  to the last Adam (woman's womb of redemption), lamenting, "woman, why weepiest thou?" So for these thousands upon thousands of years of sin, of thus God's indirect fore-warnings was a single blow, just one of them, gone was all religion and politics of Statewide to worldwide rebelliousness.
     -For when the trumpet shall begin to sound, the one Gabriel 2004 did mention, possibly the one I witnessed being passed off to the Angel Gabriel, yes I witnessed this. Apparently that trumpet, you can even say the Trump of God, now was, with Jesus, when it shall begin to sound, the kingdoms of men, have become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and they shall reign forever. One would then think, the Angel Gabriel 2004 point of emphasis for mentioning the seventh angel was itself a blessed reassurance to Amazing Grace as the God of Creation Indeed for eons to come, is God, let everything that hath breath praise His Name.

When You Say He Is A God The Same, All Days Come, Gone and Predestined Into Infinity, You Were Right, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Father, Jimmy Swaggart's Exposition Of Ezekiel, Chapter 7:1-7, KJV, 594 BC, With The Opening Of Three Time Tested Doors In Heaven To Apostle, By Prophet Ezekiel (1993/94/AD), My Oldest Grand, The Day Of Presidential Inauguration, And The Catalyst For The Escape To Georgia Dream, Was Born

Judgment On The Land Of Israel/America
Blessed Are The Hearers And Doers Of This Prophecy, For The Time Is At Hand'

Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord God unto the land of Israel; An end, the end is come upon the four corners of the land. (the "End," {the vision of the word puzzle, only weeks past, ending in "Judgment Now!"} of the pleadings through Jeremiah and Ezekiel {The Righteous Bride, the witness of a US General handling his horse off to the Prophet Jeremiah's Lamentations, 2003, Apb} for Judah {Britain} and Jerusalem {America/Canada}, to repent have come!) {Dec. 25th that for 190 months, further desolation's into deletion US soil, Apb}, they have refused to repent and therefore the judgment will fall!, JSM) {The parody lately, a come by lyrical song, warning, "it's too late to pologize, it's too late, eh, eh, eh, it's too late to pologize, it's too late, eh, eh, eh," God does indeed have a sense of humor, Apb}    
Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations. (This verse proclaims a side of the Lord mostly denied, the side of judgment. However if mercy is rejected {the dispensation of Grace, these literal two thousand five hundred years, Dan. 12, Apb} (whether then or now, ultimately judgment must come, JSM) { Evidently the triple threat against America that even after decades of seeing this, yet blew my mind away; as Prophet Daniel would say, I had no cognition, as even the Lamb's book of life, post Hussein Obama's administration, being open, and ingeniously crafted into both a roll call and a physically overwhelming census taking, whosoever name isn't written, cast into a lake a fire with him, Rev. 20, Apb}
And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the Lord. (If men will not repent, the lord cannot "spare," nor "have mercy,"  {the cry of all cries, the admonishment of all admonishments, the forewarnings of all forewarnings, and I quote Holy Spirits only weeks past, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, "and when he had open the fifth seal, I heard the beast say, come and see," Rev. 6, so a call to repentance down to the last second, Apb}
Thus saith the Lord God; An evil, an only evil, behold, is come. ( This "evil" refers to the soon to come Babylonian invasion, "Only Evil," pertains to it being all judgment, with no mercy or pity. {see Ezekiel's reapers, Even Apostle's, 9th chapter, Apb}. In other words there will be no respite.
The Phrase, "behold is come," refers to the truth, that if the people repented even though their souls would be saved, the City, the Temple and the Land wouldn't be spared. Repentance at an earlier time would have avoided this, but it's now too late to save the City and Temple, JSM) {O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, Jesus, doing the death rider vision, possibly a Yellowstone eruption, over two decades ago, it was being sent by October 2017, as to target abominable, detestable, lives lands and churches, who'd forsaken God. So, I instead only weeks past witnessed the word "HORRIBLE," just plucked out of years and years of this writing ministry, itself predicting nearly two decades now. Just along with this death rider an Asian Invasion, US soil which too has come Trump to Enemy Nations tug of nuclear war. Lest you forget, witnessing a fury of God cast at him, a then campaigning Trump, I've already seen Jesus Millennium Reign Hussein Obama's dwindled Administration, while the Antichrist reign, President Trump's doomed Administration, beware, Jer. 37:8, 1998, Eze. 4th, 38th-39th Chapters, Book of Daniel, Book of Revelation, Apb}, 
An end is come, the end is come: it watcheth for thee; behold, it is come. (The Repetition guarantees the certitude of fulfillment. JSM) {I can yet hear Holy Spirits in my ears so dramatic, only two years before the attacks of 911, sitting, folding clothes in front of the television, recently reminded there was no way mass assembly into pastors, churches congregations were ever going to accept Jesus, light hath come, but they loved darkness better then light, for their deeds are evil, Jesus. 'Then I heard his voice, those these 31 springs now, "somebody need to tell them, somebody need to warn them," additionally, "somebody need to tell them, something need to warn them, to get to churches, pastors, ministering, messages and altars of Jesus Christ, to learn of end times events, for a darkness is coming." The last time I witnessed mass assembly, after seeing those two primary Beast of Rev. 13 rise just as Obama's Administration and now Trump's. It, this refusal to repent, was a giant, carnivorous beast chomping, stomping and tearing from it's pulpits into it's soon made vacate pews, the same beast I witness, tearing at them as they sat their peace getting porches, the same beast I witness tearing at them as they build greater money markets, crying aloud, {"I have a bear in 120 counties/countries," so religiously, politically and economically, the three pharaohs of western rule, God is Not Mocked, all nation building being brought to a waste as promised and prophesied, Isa, 13, Eze. 4, Dan. 4, Rev. 17, 18, right now, as in right now, Apb} 
 The morning is come unto thee, O thou that dwellest in the land: the time is come, the day of trouble is near, and not the sounding again of the mountains. ( This Verse mean, as the day begin,  Judgment is beginning. The Prophet says, "the time is come," JSM)  {Day of Judgment Dec. 25th 2001-Oct. 10, 2017, I stood as the days of the Apostle John, these ginormous celebrations in heaven now staggering made silent, soon transformed to before a Mountain God's Throne. The bright Sunlight slowly appearing, emerging and as the days of Moses did speak "let my people go!" Clearly as regious, political and economic ruler, let my people go into exodus; not only does Prophet Zechariah prophesy Jesus return upon the mountain of Olivet, the angels standing with disciples witnessing Jesus ascension promised, that the mount of olives from which he was escaping, would be in all like manner be His area of descent/return. Hence using the lyrics only weeks past, from the song 'Aint no mountain high enough,' "no winter cold can stop me babe," all the more verifying God is a God of promise, seek Jesus and escape just as worthy as He, Jesus Himself! Awake, Repent, escape, in this order, and may God bless it, thank you Father Swaggart, Apb, Amen
Apostle's Note:

     -I testified with much concern lately, of first looking into a word puzzle, whereas the word now was being move around until it come to rest along the word Judgment, as in Judgement Now! Dramatically if that wasn't just the most terrifying of warnings, all called to Jesus' Altars by now, a census has been taken,  here come another vision, the identical word, Now, now this is weeks before Harvey, with N Korea and Hurrican irma pending, only the word Now is shown to be decorated, with multicolored blinking lights of caution.

     -By a reinstated harsh reality, when super hurricane Irma impact US soil, possibly it's eastern seaboard. I have a long standing prophecy about state of emergency being assigned upon state after state in those areas, all of America will feel it, as all of America has been impacted in one way of another of hurricane Harvey, of like the days of Prophet Ezekiel commanded reapers stampeding American's along anticipated eviction into evacuation and exodus, now it make sense that when they were finished, again God's from the higher gate north, reapers, Eze, 9, striping Americans like his servant job, nothing was left of America that I saw but a manner of magnetic memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator.
     -If you thinking, well asking like th days of Ezekiel will God at this time destroy all of it, all of America into Western Civilization, well, truth is, the appointed sinc the days of Daniel's man in linen allowing it is now finished, so is Mystery Babylon's abominations leading into abomination, that is any continence of  Western rule Elohim God is now making the heathen Jesus' footstool into the sounding of the seventh angel and who or what nation shall then be able to stand? Escape to, with Jesus, and may God bless your American Exodus, Apb, The RAM, even see here, http://ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com/2015/10/gog-magog-haman-gog.html  http://ezekiel586bc1986ad.blogspot.com/2015/09/giveat-paypal.html
www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com }




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