They're All Coming
Escape In Th Rapture

Knowing An End Hath Come, No Stone Left Upon Another Now To warn Others
     -The worse to ever imagine US soil, meaning all forms or manners of making of an extinction level event are all showing heighten activity right now, as in right now, surely I, Apostle of Jesus been telling you this. I also forewarn how Apostle Paul thousands of years ago warn of sudden destruction following any President Trump style of peace and safety, what this further mean. Be clear, there is no telling how many Americans or people period will suffer and or die to build his resistant wall, it's time to die not live, get ye in Christ, make God this Blessed Shepherd, again you have been warn. The days of making America anything but repentant altars into exodus is over, an outbreak of mortuary is come, even warn before Katrina, before Trump took office is over, all procrastinating exodus are being targeted by assigned reapers. Just as I forewarn before Harvey, before a pending Irma or North Korea.
     -Actually I've seen this, with said prophecy oddly revisited 2016, of a Asian Invasion US soil proceeded by an Arab enemy, September 11, 2001, now Trump's appointed time to bring this tug of nuclear war into completion, September 12, 13, 2017.  You heard me correctly, as the days of Ezekiel 9, witnessing the assignment of the six slayers, into the Lamb's Book of Life, open, 2015,witnessed as this roll call into census performing as the Ink horn man, marking for immortal life. Only presently reapers in the form not only of a breakout of drug overdoes but of disastrous natural events, earth, fire, wind, water. A proposed one desolation after another until the mother of them all, a Yellowstone type eruption taking the trajectory of the 2017 Eclipse, activating teetering fault lines all along it's quake. Conveniently is Apostle Peter's inquiry knowing this, what manner of escape to exodus ought you to be?
     -God's wrath is so ravenous with reaping martyred blood, right now your escape doesn't have to be about saving you or yours life, as long you know. Equally as long as you understand any manner of continuing the American Dream is as delusional and disastrous and as the claims of peace and safety in the midst of America's cleverly staged Apocalypse. Take for example, the report of the three year old girl, found clinging to her drown to death mother, combining all the others Harvey horror stories. Which remind me, remember I witnessed the word, "Horrible," plucked right of this work, no doubt of these terrors witnessed as evidence that pending, unthinkably, the 190 months of a timetable, December 25th, 2001, that US to Western Rule suffer it's complete removal. Precisely, by a lost of 190 years and tens of millions lives will even, if horribly reinvent itself right into it's October 2017 deadline of millions Us soil being in mortal danger. So much so we've entered into a process of elimination, if Holy Spirits have called as to command all parents or persons in leadership positions, the lest to the greatest.
     -Plainly, if you have placed yourself in a position whereas you give advice to others, you know who you are, you are being targeted right now from your lest worth to your mightiest, with the only authentic worthy on this planet, are those laborers leading all who will hear, see and come to Christ Jesus and are mark for divine escape accordingly. The only name given under heaven as to redeem martyred blood for all believers into righteousness, as I testified, the witness of seeing the Lamb's book of life open. Stunningly, crafted so ingeniously into both an amazing roll call to census taking. Singularly it is the one proof man has been parted along a line of one shade of white, which is the righteousness of God, or one shade of grey as to continue into a judgment of man, God's wine Press, they cannot turn themselves from being doomed and thus damned.
     This would be why the Intrepid Dream Auto was white, trimmed in gold, the Righteous Bride having been an outreach of Christ this entire planet, was now escaping in eye blinking speed, just as promised, beware, repent, escape, in his order and may God bless your American Exodus! Apb


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