The Dying Of Schools Is Painful, Go To The Middle School And Cast A Stone

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest
Listening To, Big Daddy Weave, Overwhelmed,

     -Seen to seeing the word 'Horrible," plucked right out of the work, I'm reminded of heavenly host warn, the three woe, that great sorrow is come, not only that old devil come down, presently is come, Antichrist Reign, Apb


     *-We're all happily packed into the car, headed to the park, unknowingly one of the most popular of this time of year. For some reason Caden inquires of the date, someone go September 4th, and he goes, September, it's already September? Smiling ear to ear and I go, yeah the 4th and he goes I had 9 months to go to schools so now it's almost over, his parents as usual are hearing this but they're not getting it.
     -I turn to him and I happily award him a fist bump, knowing, I have prophecies about schools, one where I heard a voice say, 'the dying of schools is painful," only here lately, as of Trump's Administration just as I heard it commanded "that all parents be killed by." I also heard it commanded that "all schools be finished," this being September 2017, the month of resurrection, and October 2017 the month of America's deletion by an extinction level event. Unquestionably Caden's prediction is right on, as in spot on and I know this, he's verifying this prophecy and now you know, thus the celebration by way of a fist bump.
     -Caden my youngest grand son been mysteriously claiming how he has had so many months of schools left, not really making sense. Actually before spring break, even months ago to think of it, like he's trying to remember something told him, that wasn't so clear. Even as he talk about these various visitations to heaven, well, I've anointed all my grands that they're found worthy to escape with Christ. Just in case Caden is the one that come into my room 2015, not a dream, I'm sitting, working this in love. He says grandma come into my parents room I have something to show you, I go what? Thinking it's a bug, or he just want to play, what is it Caden?
     -I get up, I come, he' years old now, his generation, 2011, predicted to grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America. As I enter, amazingly he bring me into a breaking news report, of a broken cease fire of Syria's Assad, now allied by Russia's Putin, I know. The approaching incident doing the escaping to Georgia dream months prior regarding Cameron, sincerely what was happening with Syria, Russia, Britain and America, the soon to come Brexit, and as so a Truexit that is Trump.
     -I know, all of them these tug of nuclear wars right now, even this world wide with Britain and America already commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces whereas Canada. This single with politics described as smiling faces that don't last, is to be wiped from the map, herein, every time you witnessed your President Trump; and or Western world leaders abusing migrants to illegals, the very lineage of America's blood guilt, this world, Then you are further witnessing the dismantling to deletion of western rule, beginning with its three primary world powers, as prophesied these 31 springs, get Jesus and get out of it, whosoever loves, it, befriend it, is an enemy of God.*
     -This is why Apostle told you, as of Harvey and Katrina prior and Irma threatening, all this nation need to be prepped and ready, the first thing as on your list, well as days of Trump and Clinton's campaign, altars of repentance first, and escape, as in nothing of Western civilization is safe, all going on to Western Civilization is being targeted, get yours and get out of it, exodus to altars is the only sacrifice God will accept, even it will be and is being overcome, it's procatination is being overthrown by reapers bearing swordlike syringes, it's why overdoes right now is the number one killers of parents to persons under fifty years old, you, Americans are, shown as a slow motion exodus, this curse, are already being sieged on every side but one this intended exit, thus the escape to Georgia dream, why Apostle been telling you they're all coming, all that can make master disasters to an eventual extinction of America into the world as we know it, Jesus Millennium predestined a Hussein (Islamic/Antichrist) Reign, you got it, everything and everybody even an angel from heaven, remember, Lucifer/Satan is only one of a third of the heavenly host that mutiny that day, any telling you anything except the exodus of America is accursed, let me say that again, as it is important, when something is mighty important, Holy Spirit will go on repeat, anyone describing unto you a life style of continuance other than the Brides's Rapture and America's exodus, Pope, President, Politician, Pastor, Pagans, Parents, and Pedophiles, are all accursed, in the words of Revelation 18, come out from among them, be not partakers of their sin, receive not of their plagues, I apostle have seen great beast tearing through their pulpits and pews, stomping at them as they sat their peace getting porches, tear and chomping through their stocks to money markets, I mean to hear it command alone, that both parents and schools be finished, is a crystal clear call that America, to Western Civilization be laid to complete rest. After Holy Spirits described Barack Hussein Obama as the one, he then went on to prove his affinity for people by presenting his itinerary, I don't know how accurate it is, but according to AMTV Chris Green Trump is spending a lot of time in a war bunker, tell me which of you safe and peaceful Americans, then Harvey hit to Irma and Korea pending, got that memo? We see Russia, China, Japan, even Korea, warning it's people, evacuating, practicing getting to bomb and fall out shelters and Americans are getting what, a shop in place order? Is this the granting of the 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour, or here lately before shoppers were stranded over night this sleeping in malls, to malls being crafted into fall out shelters, slow motion exdous, the maze and grossly visited water cooler.
     *-I mean for God so loved the world, right now, Irma could be targeting Trump's indecision regarding this DACA case, I've read where nations were destroyed because of their mistreatment of the poor, (minorities, migrants, illegals). Jesus told us the poor would be with us always, he didn't Alex Jones tell us how greatly nations would judged as a result of it. Really, you all didn't think God is okay with persons sitting on enough money for thousands of lifetimes when they only get one that's called into repentance. While others live in cardboard boxes, God cannot, nor will Elohim ever go against one's will, which is why mankind's first and final trial was one of obedience.
     -This single, mightily important decision of choosing God's will over their own, the first Adam, Genesis Marriage failed into an abomination of sexual promiscuity; right along a detestable legalization of same-sex marriage being judged all soil right now. While the second, the last Adam, this living spirit, forfeiting His Will as man's son, excelled into a marriage supper celebration in heaven awaiting the Church Bride. Prophetically as of the Archangel, the Trump of God, to Jesus's shout and off to be with this Blessed Bridegroom, these indescribably phenomena places forever and ever, see more here,  .
     -So Lets just say, I don't want to be either of them on judgment day, that it's to be worse for them than the judgment of ISIS to terrorist cells period. Those right now all martyred blood from the murder of Abel is being reaped upon, ("smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map," Apb). As of some fifty million dead not counting a pale horse to Islamic world reign of God's Wine Press as well pending that's to claim hundreds of millions as well. Something unimaginable edging toward US soil Holy Spirits been prophesying these seventeen years now.
     -Heretofore, from President Clinton right into Trump's Inauguration/Administration, I'm hearing "fifty million will die," why Holy Spirits Apostle called on all voting booths to serfdom be pound into repentant altars. Staggeringly this insurmountable toll on Americans lives is not an oversight, nothing they tell me is, or they've told God's prophets these thousands of years. Some eighty percent of which has been reinventing itself into fulfillment with lightening speed especially since the Angel Gabriel 2004, mention a seventh angel of forewarning, all things is unto fulfillment, awake, repent, escape in this order and may God bless your American exodus.*
     -Get this, in only so many weeks from now, something so cataclysmic, Asians, Yellowstone, Nibiru, ten x's Katrina, a Carrington Effect, 99 bowls of molten lava, on and on and on as to cause an instant lost of 190 years into a pale horse to Islamic/Antichrist reign will bring an apocalyptic end American soil to Western Rule, then all time passing again into the last week of Daniel, the witnessed. 1996 of the death rider, the backward running clock into the witness 2016, of Jesus Glorious Millennium descending. I know I'm guilty, of being on the repeat, something I heard described of the Prophet Ezekiel's prophetic ministry, but I can't help myself.  Honestly,  I. Apostle called out of mass assembly, now this Antichrist infected with vicious beast, sincerely, I eat, sleep the bed of an altar of intercessory, I play/
     -I warn God's people, especially any continuance into the American Dream now counted as an abomination giving into abominations thus this outbreak of mortuary, this paper route, a November 4th, date, it's handle bars once disallowed of Russia and China, now by Western leaders, including America's Trump filled with a funeral reef soaring in the heavens above, simply they've killed the word to achieve wind, dust, water to fire treasures, such vanity, ah what tangled pots and kettles, churchians to Sandians, Turf to nuclear wars, beware, get Jesus and get out of it, thus said the Lord God, these thosuands upon thousands of predestines from the foundation of the earth of prophetic ministry. Surely the host of party, as so Satan's offering Jesus the world, this handing the world of babel, a stunning beyond description leopard skin coat that distracts and delude into Jesus this divine thief snatching out the Bride so quitely, permenantely, beware, Apb, get Jesus and get out of it!   see more here,


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