God Alone Is God, Kiss His Son, Least He Be Angry, Where No Flesh Can Stand!

God Alone Is God, Kiss His Son, Least He Be Angry, Where No Flesh Can Stand, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com

     -Whosoever save America, the holocaust maker decreasing into Daniel's final week, maybe a friend to America, but they're an enemy to God. This is The RAM, the prophetic ministry that warn you Trump's declaration of peace and safety right after shaking hands with Putin's Russia, would be meet as prophesied with sudden destruction. Then unknowingly hearing in my hear August 29th, I gave you the very date he wound be in Texas assessing the hurricane damage of Harvey.
     -As so the date, Kim Jong, made his most dangerous of missiles test, with hurricane Irma to Jose pending all such foolishness to rebellion. I explained lately how America's is an exodus, and all procrastination would be meet with reapers in the form of master disasters, earth, wind, fire, water, with a pending 99 bowls of molten lava and a word, ductchsinse, beware as always, Apb, The RAM, see more here  http://beforeitsnews.com/weather/2017/09/chaos-explodes-what-on-earth-is-going-on-is-america-under-attack-2446192.html
here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mniBj27ymmk and here, http://theseventhnumber14.blogspot.com/2017/09/the-sword-gun-bomb-in-bible.html


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