I Looked And Behold A New Jerusalem Descending

  -Ah God, America's Judgment doesn't have anything to do with parting Israel, Israel have its own abominations dating back to Jesus accusing them of rejecting Him to accept another, even Daniel's little horn, as savior and world peace, stay in much prayer for them. Such where those two beast one from land one from sea seen rising into fruition just as Obama's 2008, appointed two week and seven years, expires, then beat reign. A pending with judgement Israel set to be targeted by God's Wrath to the Antichrist's, slaying millions of them, only Jesus return will save them, just as He as well warn them.
Stop it! Holy Spirits did a type Ezekiel's Judah to King Belshazzar judgment of America, it's own, not Israel's who is rightly passing into a predicted Jacob's Trouble that is come Though America's now two weeks and seven years into Obama's Administration, this witnessed of seeing Jesus Millennium descend into Obama's, signifying even Daniel's week as prophesied, now done. Just as Apostle was saying ,it was the night of Christmas, three months after those New York towers and so many lives went into the dust. Amazingly, like the days of Daniel interpreting King Belshazzar's hand writing on the wall (see Jer. 37:8, 1998 of America's). Something cataclysmic happen, immediately the Bride was taken out leaving America facing a deletion of 190 years and a weigh station of it's OWN blood guiltiness, followed by one extinction event after another, it's why Holy Spirits attempts to move all of you.
That's once 190 months more was until a sudden subtraction of 190 years, is then followed by both a world wide Arab/Islamic reign to the Antichrist rule, Trump's Administration, I additionally witnessed, this 2017. As Apostle been shown these 31 springs and testifying, America has it own problems, 50 million dead pending of it. so much so I just finished asking Christopher Green, AMTV, of my dilemma of moving hundreds of millions of Americans out of the way of a Yellowstone eruption, poaasibly taking the same trajectory as eclipse 2017. That's in less than two months, that seem to be totally hopeless, until I realized the only way that's possible if they all hundreds of millions move into the Christ of God, Jesus. Possibly you all the woman bearing black, now stalled into a compassionate offer to millions awaiting a single water cooler, instead business cards for better homeless shelters, (Mansions in heaven), awake, repent, escape, in this order, the Spirit and Bride sayeth come, ALL! Apb, Amen!

      -Seen to be like the days of Jeremiah's Lamentations staying, watching from heaven, even mountain tops how it all descends along one apocalyptic event after another, beware, Apb, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

       -America, Seen As This Dinner Host Loan of An Artificial, Leopard Skin Coat Of Mighty Distractions, Where If You Blink, The Bride Is Gone From You, www.theissueoftherest2016.blogspot.com

     -America to western civilization is being siege from three primary angles, to a forth being the undeniable into the harsh of realities that is end time bible prophecy, of which will eventually end America. Seeming where these end time apocalypse have begun it's deadliest of assault, again sieges religiously, politically and financially, as you can say the three primary pharaoh's sitting rule over what Holy Father sees as the abominable whore enslavement of Elohim's Creation. Truly as the night of Holy Spirits visitation, explaining not only the destruction of America, but it's economic collapse by loan default. This lost was right  into failed banks, I knew so little of what all this meant, only that loans default meant failed banks, a failed housing sector and equally failed churches, all seen lately being devoured by vicious bear, carnivorous beast, (All).
     -Remember until you evaluate the religious as those who drove the nails, as those profiting God's Grace but worshiping Satan and loving it. Those presently seeking to destroyed or stump out Jesus' Name/Anointed, whereas the Church/Bride of Christ, upon which even the gates of hell can't prevail against. The Bride by Christ's sacrifice being a living spirit prepped for ascension on this second by second countdown, right now, blink you'll miss it; this blessed heir of God's once wounded to death temple, walking out of the tomb three days later, now they're horribly missing. Though as was prophesied of the Apostle Peter now that we know planet earth, ah, need I say America, Western rule included? Will as portrayed the movie Knowing, the earth will be completely dissolved, possibly the day Jesus' Millennium end, probably the cataclysms that took out Satan's final Gog; his having united an army against Christ the number of the sand, (the heathen raging again even after Jesus' Millennium), I know too inconceivable to imagine, right?
     -Thus He, Apostle Peter then ask a question Chris, America, earth's inhabitants, what manner of persons ought you to be knowing this, that mankind forever without Jesus is forever condemned, judged, that a lake of fire await them? If you allow me, right now I'll answer Apostle's question, men knowing Jesus into God's Righteous judgment that is now, as in right now, surely they should be repentant and escaping, either God's Trump Jesus, or America's Brexit to Truexit, Trump. Jesus is kept from you, because by His Cross He freed you from this ceaseless ridiculousness so you can simply, decide! Regardless or whether you serve Jesus or by serving sin's on this continence you reject Him, desolation's these elephants, to Noah's Ark, to the little Miya girl just this ring around all your rosy sand castles, of denial. This assumption is those desolation so mighty are come that Holy Spirits just as the Bride is counted worthy Christ's Blood to escape.
      -Holy Spirits attempt to evacuate into exodus everyone else, I've seen it, EVERYONE ELSE, that's Chris with no time left, even this morning when I open my eyes the final day of this month, I heard a voice lament, "August." When I shared how I'd received August 29th as a word, a week or so past, little did we know that would be the day, to be honest, recently. Well, as one warning you all how dangerous these declaration of peace and safety US soil, prophesied to be followed by sudden destruction. Additionally little did we know the 29th of August would mark President Trump in parts of Texas accessing the damage of a historic US soil, Category 4 hurricane Harvey. As so a day that North Korea would show itself even more belligerent these disastrous for us all missiles test, this grantee of a Nuclear disaster western to Korean soil.
     -This is why Chris just as Trump voters cried that he make America great again, not accepting how powerless, even helpless and in need of prayer these men. Holy Spirits solemnly forewarn how yours, theirs, Americans to Western civilization. How now its turn to reap mountainous blood guilt, weighing in at a staggering 190 months into a subtraction of 190 years in as the. Honestly what I actually heard was "yours, (America's) is a Nuclear fate," only with alike catastrophes following one after another.  I sat not too many days past, when it was't long before I lost hope, that the death toll of 50 million was predestined and not just an estimate, there was just no moving hundreds of millions within a month or so, right? That's not unless they all come into Christ, still I asked myself this question, now one day after Eclipse charted what I think will be the trajectory of a Yellowstone eruption, shown me nearly twenty years past. There was now Chris these forty days so many were talking about into a Jewish holiday, investigating I then learned, set for October 2017, this special event would begin America's 190 months into cataclysmic events now come, beware, awake, repent, escape, in this order, Apb, and may God, bless it, Amen!

    -No, That Time Has Past, We've Entered Beast Reign, Tens Of Millions Are Dead, US Soil Alone, But Like The Days Of Noah, They Won't Escape Even If For Their Lives And Souls, Beware!

    -And I Heard In My Hearing, America, Have You Ever Fallen Before?

     -Jesus warn all gone before him were thieves and robbers, that he alone is the way, truth and the life, no man enters unto the father, without him, repent or perish!. If you listen closely you can hear the Holy Spirit yet crying, America, Britain separate them into itty, bitty pieces, as so "smiling faces don't last (politicking), "wipe Canada from the map." This is why while channel surfing lately, come upon a preacher, heard him say to his packed church, 'we're in a battle for our souls, for our lives."  Immediately I thought no, Jesus already fought that battle for us, because only He, by Holy, Righteous blood could have, this is why He admonishes all of us to take His Yoke of Glory upon us, for He has overcome the world.
     -Just as so listen closely, you'll hear the Prophet Israel, "he was wounded for our transgressions, (meaning the woman seed, the Christ, the Lamb of God again Jesus' Crucifixion into Ascension). He was bruised for our iniquities, (as to cast the damning guilt of sin's lineage from all believers to worshipers). Though most importantly, right into our child like faith in Holy Spirits, "the chastisement of our peace is upon Him," (why I witnessed Him, Jesus arrive with healing in His Wings, no more death and dying, Jesus' Millennium is here), again repent or perish, decide! Apb, The RAM see www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com, www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com

And I Heard In My Hearing, 2017, Revelation 12 Sign, As So Simply, Revelation

She's Coming And Going With The Seventh Angel, Forewarn The Angel Gabriel 2004
     -When we consider that the weight of America's judgment of 190 months until a subtraction of 190 years, 2001-2016/17, will commence on the same day as the Jewish feast of Trumpets. It's here also we begin to understand a day with God is like a thousand years and vice versa, because although we measure time as past, present and future. God measure all time as one specific prophetic event reinventing itself as men and beast change not, right into the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet, making the timing of the Angel Gabriel itself prophetic. Having appeared to the Prophet Daniel 534 BC as to unveil these end time evils, ordered to be concealed until a time of reveal, appearing to Apostle as to unveil these end times evils, 2004 AD, now, as in right now, commanded that all be fulfilled, ALL!
     -So important is, was the intrepid dream timetable, (www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com), that when America's duration which is the whole of Western rule dwindled into 190 months, even Obama's entire 2008-2015 timetable, until judgment. Remarkably, that said reaping would then fall, is that this fall would coincide with the finale of the dispensation of grace and the epoch of Jacob's greatest of troubles. All to be herald 40 days past the historic eclipse 2017, Apostle believe whose trajectory was a prelude to this come judgment as to mark the actual trajectory of a Yellowstone eruption. Predicted as a rider of death see to come from beneath,  these nearly twenty years, abominable lives, lands and churches all infested with beast it's target, causing death toll US soil in the tens and millions, thus the call to get to altars and exits.
     -Apparent to miraculous not only that for seven years, but for the next seven years, 2017/18-2024/25, Antichrist wickedness into Antichrist rule would seek to end the presence of the Tribulation saints into the Jewish people. The announcement of escape to exodus of a pending Cameron was to forewarn that earths inhabitants are all looking down the burrow/barrow of a world without the dispensation of grace. Gloriously this indescribable for eons to come that allowed us the greatest of gifts of Graces, heretofore, Jesus' Cross, the Righteous Bride, into the Cross world wide Revival Of souls. A blessed number John testified couldn't be counted, those I witnessed and warn doing rapture, lovingly that Heavenly Father handle with caution lest they like Jesus take the heart of HIM, "Father Glorify thy Anointed, I have glorified them and will glorify them," all such blessedness now summon, taken out, up to marriage supper, thus the Spirit and Bride sayeth loose them and let them come! Apb, The RAM

Christmas, America's Judgement came on a Christmas night 2001. That until 190 months are finished a deadly siege upon US Soil commences. From an Arab enemy to an Asian Invasion, the words Warsaw, West Worthy, Epidemic, 1998. Always be careful the traps you lay aren't your own design master disaster.
     -This coming from the same Apostle who warn you of dangers of Trump's declarations of peace and safety, prophesied to be followed by sudden destruction. Even a date given of August 29, end up being the day Trump accessed hurricane Harvey's damage into further threats of Kim Jong un, beware, Gid is not mocked, Apb


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