Article... JENNIFER LAWRENCE: NATURE IS PUNISHING U.S. WITH HURRICANES FOR VOTING TRUMP, Article Girl, Country On Fire Jennifer it's more God's Judgement America's weighty blood guilt is come US soil, as was warn. It's why I suggested election 2016 and voting booths be pound into altars of Christ. Instead I hear a day prior to Trump's inauguration "fifty million will die," Trump's, Hillary, both Truexits, an end hath come upon Western Civilization, get Jesus and get out of it,, remember? Solar Scientist Warning of a 9.3 xclass CME, 09/06, possibly the Noah, (NOAA's), Cousin word II received just a day past. Earth directed, not seen in this lifetime, since 1859, warn of how only a class 1, to 2 caused the Japan chemical plant disaster. Beware, Apb -There's something about Dutchsinse, about 99 bowls of molten lava, about fuel canisters all in a circle being lit, (see the pacific this ring of fire), being...
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