I Looked And Behold A New Jerusalem Descending
-Ah God, America's Judgment doesn't have anything to do with parting Israel, Israel have its own abominations dating back to Jesus accusing them of rejecting Him to accept another, even Daniel's little horn, as savior and world peace, stay in much prayer for them. Such where those two beast one from land one from sea seen rising into fruition just as Obama's 2008, appointed two week and seven years, expires, then beat reign. A pending with judgement Israel set to be targeted by God's Wrath to the Antichrist's, slaying millions of them, only Jesus return will save them, just as He as well warn them. Stop it! Holy Spirits did a type Ezekiel's Judah to King Belshazzar judgment of America, it's own, not Israel's who is rightly passing into a predicted Jacob's Trouble that is come Though America's now two weeks and seven years into Obama's Administration, this witnessed of seeing Jesus Millennium descend into Obama's, signif...